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As decided, Grace came over to Mamrie's place at around 8:15. She was a bit late but LA traffic is the worst, especially at 8 on a Friday night. Grace walks in and pets Beanz lightly on her head. Mamrie appears from the kitchen with a water in her hand.

"Oh hey Grace! Go try on those dresses and I'll tell you which one she'll like!" Mamrie smiles. Grace brought 4 dresses to let Mamrie choose. She decided to try on the blue one first. It's a sparkly blue one and goes halfway down her thigh. The tall blonde walks out to show her best friend.

"Hmmm I like it. It shows off your curves. But I think it's a bit too sparkly for Hannah." Mamrie says.

Grace smiles because she didn't really like it either. She tries on the red one next. It has sleeves that go down to her elbows. It's pretty short, in fact, too short for Grace's liking. She walks out anyway and shows Mamrie.

"Nope. I don't like it. Too red and too short." Mamrie shakes her head.

"That's what I thought too!" Grace laughs. She walks back into Mamrie's room and tries on the black one. It's a one shoulder dress and isn't that tight, which she likes. It goes halfway down her thigh just like the blue one. It's the most comfortable one too. Grace walks out into the livingroom and doesn't see Mamrie. She hears the water running in the kitchen so she peaks in the kitchen and sees Mamrie washing a few dishes with her back faced toward her.

"Mames?" Grace asks to get the red heads attention. It sure got her attention because she jumps up and sighs.

"Jesus Grace you scared th-" Mamrie stops mid sentence and just stares at Grace.

"Sorry. Um you alright there?" Grace laughs.

"You look stunning Grace! Absolutely beautiful. I like it. That's the one. Hannah will not be able to keep her hands off you!" Mamrie winks.

"Thanks but I still have one more to try on...should I try it on?" Grace asks.

"Nah I don't think so, unless you want to." Mamrie shrugs.

"Yeah I think I like it. So what should I do with my hair and face?" Grace giggles.

"Well you can keep it straight or you can curl it. Your choice." Mamrie says.

"What do you think I should do?" Grace asks.

"Well, I like your hair curly but whatever you want." Mamrie smiles.

"Well then I guess it's decided. Can you curl it for me?" Grace asks shyly.

"Only if you curl mine." Mamrie smirks. Grace nods and plugs in the curling iron.

"So mametown, what will you be wearing tonight? Anyone you need to impress?" Grace snorts.

"Ya know my silver dress? I think I'm gonna wear that." Mamrie says while curling Grace's hair.

"The silver one? Yup. You're definitely trying to impress someone." Grace laughs.

"Well maybe but they don't like me like that anyway. It's ok though. I'll get over it." Mamrie says.

"I don't see why they wouldn't like you like that. I mean you're a great woman Mames and if they don't want you then they don't deserve you." Grace points out.

"Thanks Gracie." Mamrie smiles. She finishes Grace's hair and the blonde grabs the curling iron and starts doing Mamrie's hair. By the time they get done, it's 9:15 and they do their makeup. Mamrie puts her dress on and now they're standing beside each other putting on mascara.

"Should I go for a nude lip or a bold red?" Grace asks, holding up 2 lipsticks in her hands.

"Oh definitely bold red. It'll look good with the black dress...wait what shoes are you wearing?" Mamrie asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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