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It's been a week since I spent the night at Graysons and we haven't spoken to each other since then.

When he passes by me at school he looks at me from the corner of his eyes but then quickly looks away

"Girl, I can literally feel the tension in the air" my friend Kayla said

"I know it's so uncomfortable" I said closing my locker

"Tell me what happened between you too" she whined

"Literally nothing"

After school I met up with Andrew at his house because I have been tutoring him for Physics. We've also been texting quite a lot recently.

"The second law of motion is mass times acceleration so you need to multiply -" I was saying but he cut me off

"You're so cute"

"Andrew pay attention" i rolled my eyes and pretended what he said didn't phase me but on the inside I was dying of happiness

"How can I pay attention when you look at me like that"

"Like what?"

"Like all cute and shit witcho lil ass ponytail" he said flicking my ponytail

I giggled and continued trying to teach him something but he was dozing off the entire time. Then out of nowhere the doorbell rings.

"Oh shit I forgot some of the guys were coming over to workout"

Oooh no no no that means Grayson is here and he's gonna see me with Andrew

Wait why do I even care what Grayson thinks about me

"Alright well we can continue this tomorrow" I said gathering my things and putting them into my bag

We both walked downstairs and stopped right in front of the door, he's almost a foot taller than me so he leaned down to my face to kiss me

"Open up Drew!" One of the guys banged on the door loudly which made Andrew jump back to his original position

He sighed and opened the door, all the guys "ooooed" and started making remarks when they saw me

"Bye" I whispered and walked out avoiding eye contact with all of  them

I got in my car and drove back home. As I pulled in my driveway I saw Grayson in his balcony smoking.

That means he's going through something, his parents probably fought again and the first thought that comes in my head is to go help him

We made eye contact and I waved , he raised his eyebrow and gave me a little nod

I wonder what he's thinking like is he mad at me or what ? Im dying to know

I went inside my house, greeted my parents , ate dinner with them and talked about our day and then went up to my room and changed into my pajamas

I noticed Gray was still out there, he's probably been out there for hours and it's getting cold

I hate myself for this but I went outside to talk to him

I know he heard me step outside but he didn't look at me , he didn't move at all.

"Hey are you okay" I asked softly

"I'm fine" his voice cracked a bit

He sniffled and turned his back to me

I jumped over and placed my hand on his arm and he tensed up

"Leave me the fuck alone" he said angrily

"I'll leave after you tell me what's wrong" I leaned against the railing

"No just fuck off!" He yelled "God damn you're such a stubborn little bitch"

"Don't fucking talk to me like that" I got up and got in his face "and stop screaming bruh the whole god damn neighborhood can hear you"

" I can talk to you however the fuck I want because you're - " he said poking my shoulder with his finger "nothing but a slut"

I shoved him with all my strength but he only moved an inch and he laughed

"You're such an ass"

"I am what I eat" he said which made me roll my eyes

"You're so disgusting and so fake like deadass you act like you're so happy and better than everyone else and that you have your shit together but no Grayson you're nothing but a sad little boy" i ranted

He laughed a bit but then got serious again

"Look who's talking"

I looked at him confused

"You're so insecure about yourself and you're scared of love and that no one will ever love you and no one probably ever will because you're annoying as fuck"

I was about to say something but he continued

"Truth is you're broken , you broke yourself with all your insecurities and now you can't put yourself back together that's why you are how you are you say I'm a sad little boy ? Well you're a broken little girl"  he finished

Wow words don't usually get to me but what he said actually kind of hurt but I don't care. I don't care about a lot of things. Myself included

" I came over here trying to be a good friend and see what's wrong and to make you feel better but all you do is act like a big fucking dickhole I can't fucking stand you" I said

"That's the thing Liliana "  I cringed at the sound of him saying my full name
"We're not friends and we never will be. I don't need you so why don't you do me a favor and fuck out of my life"

"Fine" was all I said and turned around to go back home

I don't feel like arguing right now and no matter what I say he'll just ignore it he's so stubborn he always has to have the last word.

"Lily wait" he grabbed my waist

"What?" I turned around annoyed

"Can I get some head?"

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