Prisoner Of Your Own Thoughts

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~ Never Be a Prisoner Of Your Past, It was Just a Lesson Not a Life Sentence ...

Most Of Your Stress Comes From The Way You Respond, Not The Way Life Is . Adjust Your Attitude, And All That Extra Stress Is Gone...

You Will Never Be Tree Until You Free Yourself From The Prison of Your Own False Thoughts...

Over Thinking Causes The Human Mind To Create Negative Scenarios And or Replay Painful Memories...

The Darkest Place I Have Ever Seen Was Inside Me ... And Nothing Scared me More...

Unexpressed Emotions Will Never Die, They are Buried Alive And Will Come Forth Later In Uglier Ways ...

All It Takes a Beautiful Fake Smile To Hide An Injured Soul And They Will Never Notice How Broken You Really Are..

If You Cant Do Anything About it Then Let it Go , Don't Be a Prisoner to Things You can't Change..

It Takes Courage To Endure The Sharp Pains of Self Discovery rather Than Choose to Take The Dull Pain of Unconsciousness That Would Last The Rest of Our Lives..

Until We Have Seen Someone's Darkness We Don't Really Know Who They Are, Until We Have Forgiven Someone's Darkness, We Don't Really Know What Love Is ...

Everyone is a prisoner of his own experiences. No one can eliminate prejudices - just recognise them...

I've spent most of my life in prison. I was a prisoner of my fear and my low self-esteem...

I m Prisoner, a Prisoner of my own mind .. For I m inbound.. within my own complexities.. of my own Disaster ..and Disappointments... for m Nothing ... But a Failure of my own Duties...

Demons of my mind ... so full of their own Kind.. They never knew i had .. A secret way Inside...Don't let too Close ... it's Darker here ... That's my Demons Lair .. it's Where my Demons Hide...

Sometimes the Worst Place you can be is in your own Head ...

" We Can Not Start Over, But We Can Begin Now, And Make a New End "

Believe Yourself ..


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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