Chapter 4: A New Town, A New Victim

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Now victim is a strong word, but the right word. Being what I am it made me instantly irresistible to boys my current age and he was showing signs of having fallen for my unintentional spell. I never mean to cast them but they always seem to happen. Geret looked at me and I looked at him "Did you enjoy Freemont High?" His voice was different  then I remembered, it was deep and attractive. "Yeah, it's pretty much like every school I've attended." My voice came out shaky and he just nodded. "You seem to move schools a lot, why's that?" He wasn't like Emilia, he asked questions. "Uhhhh, I get in trouble a lot." My second lie to him, except it wasn't fully untrue. I did get in trouble. I never really meant to cause trouble but it seemed to follow me like a sea sprite. Yes I said sea sprite, they used to follow me when I would swim with mom. But their not important what's important is yes I got in trouble but that's not why I moved schools so much. I'm talking in circles, I know. It's what I do when unwarranted questions from annoying boys are sprung on me. We had finally reached my house but he still wasn't letting go of my hand. He was kind of cute but it could never happen, my clan would kill him if I didn't get him killed before that. He wasn't like us, he wasn't like me. Geret looked at me his hands a bit shaky "Would you...umm...want to go out sometime?" We had just met day before but I was used to these awkward interactions. I smiled plainly at the scared boy "Sure Geret, I'll go out with you." I usually never say yes to these type of things but he seemed different, his blood smelled different. Yes I said blood and I promise I can explain. I probably should finally tell you what I am. I can trust you right? Yeah I can, so here it goes, hundreds of hours of teaching just to waste it here but whatever. I'm a Siren, a mermaid of sorts. Were like their evil twins. Except that's a myth, we don't sink ships to feed on the people on board. We are irresistible to the opposite gender, yes. We have incredible singing abilities, yes. Now I live on land but not all of us do. My mother, clan leader, lives back 'Home' in Worries Cove off the coast of Barbados. So I guess that technically makes me a Princess but I hate being called and treated as such. Now back to blood, yes I can smell peoples blood. 

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