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Gina wait up Jarrod ran behind gina who was crying.

Gina listen please wait come back in there this is hard on all of us but u need to Stand behind him i know its hard and new but please said jarrod half smiling.


Walking back in the manison richie and carol was having a star down while jarrod had cleared his throat.

Carol please tell me u joking jarrod asked while looking between the 2.

No I'm pregnant with richie baby the girl said smirking.

Gina meet carol my ex mayor edwards gold digg-

Oh honey lets not go there u was giving me things on your own to so please stop said carol mugging.

Carol please leave i will deal with u after i talk to my wife.

Oh please i know u along marrying her to keep this place honey dont fall in love with him, him and his family is some scam artist that take people under there wings and leave them carol said while walking out.

Richie listen lets get married so i can get back to my normal life please gina cried while richie nod.

Gina we ca-

Richie sense i meet u this have been nothing but drama i don't want live my life like that so lets just do it we dont need anything but the clothes on our back u can have jarrod sighn your witness seat and i can get a stranger im over this come on gina said leaving out the door.

Laying in her bed gina was crying after the wedding gina had left and went back to her normal life..

Her and richie dont have anything to say to each other he have a baby on the way his animals have a place ti stay she did her part but it feels like something was still missing in her life.

Sighing and getting up gina had thought about richie his smile, how he talks about the animals his face lights up.

Smiling and fixing something to eat gina.

Sighing and packing her bags gina was going to go see richie she is still married ti him so why not see whats going on with him.


Looking around the island gina had started to walk to the animal's home sense the animals got there home they build more rooms for the animals to play and roam around.

Getting on a train while looking around gina just smiled she wanted to see richie but was nervous at the same time.

Coming up to the house all the animal's was running wild paying the driver gina had rushed out picking up the animals while she seen Jarrod trying to get the animals.

Jarrod what happen asked gina giving him the ducks.

Nothing they always do this when they don't get out they like kids jarrod chuckle side hugging gina.

So u back huh your husband been stress out man with Carol and mayor edwards on his back about the wedding they thinking about shutting it down. .

Oh no im so sorry gina said walking in the house with jarrod.

Petting the turtles gina had sat down waiting for Jarrod to go get richie.

Omg!! U back screamed sweets running to her hugging her, im happy everything is a mess the animals getting lose and carol here and she don't care sweets said shaking her head.

Im so-

Don't be sorry u new to this whole scene come on let's go and help with the animals.

Helping sweets with the animals and cleaning out the water and cutting the grass so the animals wont get bit gina wonder how this place became a wreck in 5 months.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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