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A pleasureable thing

Some don't think so but others do

Old invite it

Young fear it

Lost don't care for it

Some long for it

Old have lived long enough

They except the fact it's time to go

a long over due rest

Young fear it

it means the end to all they know

an end to what they love and konw

Some don't care for it

it doesn't faze them

they don't want an end to what they know

they want an end to what they don't want

so not to care is fine with them

it won't fase them in the end

Some want it

their lifes no good

they hate everything they have

what will they do when it all ends

they want it yet they wont do it

deep down they long for something good

still in they end they will smile like the Old

this is what they wanted after all

Alex_LeStrange's PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now