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Expecting me to be perfect
Compare me to you
You'll soon realize, you aren't so good too
What do you expect me to do
Live in someone's shadow
We're all different
We aren't all lifeless like you
You want me to fly
Well don't hold my wings
I should make my own choices
I should be free
But you don't see it
Your blinded by these illusions
Just because I'm not good at what you like
Doesn't mean I'm not good all
But you won't see it, cause your sure I'm bound to fall
I'll pretend to listen so talk
Tell me how I'm too fat, too dumb
Too disobedient and too rude
You can try to change me
But I'll always be just me
So stop comparing me to you
We aren't the same
And if you can't see that, your missing your brain.

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