Chapter 1: Late!!

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Adrien PoV   

   "Adrien, you're going to be late for school," said Nathalie from outside the door. 

      Adrien wearily climbed out of bed, "Sorry, I'll be ready in five minutes." He waited until he heard her footsteps go back down the hallway before finding Plagg and grabbing some cheese.

      "Ugh, its too earlyyyyy," complained Plagg.

      "No, it's not. Its late. I'm already late for school because I overslept. Hurry and eat then get into my schoolbag, please."

      He and Ladybug had been up all night dealing with an akuma. He had barely made it to bed before collapsing. 

      He found his usual outfit and went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he saw hideous bags under his eyes and hair that was extremely tangled. After brushing his hair and teeth as fast as possible, Adrien grabbed his bag and hurried down the stairs. He hoped his father wouldn't find out, but he never knew if Nathalie was on his side or not. He decided to skip breakfast and ran to the car waiting outside. He hopped in and greeted Gorilla. Gorilla only grunted in response.

         By the time he made it to school, he was 15 minutes late. Already accepting his fate of detention, he made no effort to run up the steps. 

       "Adrien Agreste, I cannot believe you would do something so kind for Marinette. please give her her paper and be seated," said Mme. Bustier.

       What? Marinette had covered for him? That was so kind of her. He reached in his bag and pulled out a piece of blank paper and handed it to Marinette. She thanked him and smiled. He would have to thank her later.

       "Uhh, no problem! Anything for a friend!" Then he sat down and began doing the day's assignments.

Authors Note: I know this is short, but I'm separating each chapter into different PoVs, so the next one will be a bit longer. Once the story gets going a bit more, there will be much longer chapters!! Thanks for reading!

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