Mental Health

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I'm sorry for my disappearance, life's been crazy but I will try hard to update you frequently. For now here is a little monologue about - well you know what.

I've always had a understanding for what mental health is and how vital it is, since I want to be a mental health counsellor and all. It hit a total new level when I found out my dad has depression and seeing how it affects his life.

That's a sad start but what I'm trying to say is that mental health is equal or even more important than physical health. Only recently have I realised I've been looking in all the wrong places to get what I want.

For years I've tried to lose weight, and it was working until the event was over or the bed got too comfy that I gave up. The difference this time is I'm getting fitter, yes losing weight will be a welcomed bonus but I want to love me inside and out.

I'd say I've gave myself private time to really clear my mind and be peaceful a handful of times in my life. Right now, I only remember two. How is it I have neglected my mental health for so long?

A while ago I got into a little pool of sadness, it was over in a week but there was a tint on the world that I never want again. So, I'm being productive , happy and peaceful.

For productive i will stick to my to do lists and slowly but surely maintain healthy habits.

For happy I want to surround myself with the people who bring out the best side of me and once I'm in sync I will smile and laugh more.

For peaceful I will give myself time every week to recap and relax. It may take a bit to find out what that is but I will start by going to church. Not for God, for the atmosphere of kindness and no judgement.

I know this isn't long but I wanted it to be said- I am changing my life for the better, in every way possible.

Talk to you soon,


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