How Jim andTodd met

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It was a warm night in L.A. California. Jim was meeting his friend Riker at a place called the Outback. Riker put a blind date on him and on his neighbor Todd Spiewak. Jim thought this was a ridiculous idea but then he realized it wasnt. Jim enetered the place. Riker showed Jim where Todd was waiting. "Hello Todd, how are you?" said Riker "I am find, thank you. How is this cute guy?" asked Todd. Jim said, "I am Jim Parsons. The guy you are on a date. You are cute as well. " " Ok guys I will leave you to alone keep talking and enjoy your date." said Riker ecited. Jim and Todd were left alone and Jim and Todd talked laughed and had the greatest time of there lives. The time went by fast. It was already 9:00 pm. So they got up and payed. Then they went to take a pleasent walk all around the park. Jim had invited Todd to go to the carnival with him. Todd asepited. They both went home and they got greated by there dogs. Rufis licked Todd and Otis licked Jim. Time pased and it was already 11:00 so they went to sleep. Jim woke up at 7:00 and took Otis for a walk, todd did the same. It was a warm sunny Sunday.

Jim was getting ready to meet Todd at IHOP to get breakfast. When Jim got there Todd was already sitting there. They saw each other a week ago in Outback. Jim missed seeing Todd beautiful smile. Todd missed seeing Jim shiny light blue eyes. So they ordered breakfasts and ate and hand a pleasent morning. After that they went to walk at the carnival. Jim won a huge teddy bear at the carnival. He gave it to Todd showing a piece of his love. Then when left the carnival Jim asked tidd. " Todd I know we have only nowen each other for a week. but i wanted to aske you if you would like to be my boyfriend. " said Jim shyly. " Yes i would love to be your boyfriend" said Todd with a huge smile

JIMA ND TODDWhere stories live. Discover now