Chapter 18: Strong Woman

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Chapter 18: Strong Woman

"I am a strong woman. I don't sit around feeling sorry for myself, nor let people mistreat me. I don't respond to people who dictate to me or try to bring me down. If I fall I will rise up even stronger because I am survivor and not a victim. I am in control of my life and there is nothing I can't achieve."


"That'll be eight-seventeen," Rae spoke.

Her day was almost over and she was glad about it. Closing the register, she smiled at the customer who paid her happy mood no mind. All they cared about was getting the right amount of change back and their items so they could leave. Although, the smile wasn't reciprocated, Rae didn't mind because nothing was going to stop her from being on cloud nine. Her life was changing for the better and she honestly had a reason to wake up and smile every day.

When it appeared that things weren't working out for her good, Rae could honestly say that that wasn't the case. The issues that she was having in her life was because of one person. Her. Selfish to the point of thinking that she was better than others. People were always beneath her. Her father gave her everything that her heart desired.  From the clothes on her back to the many expensive trips that he paid on his dime. Desiree felt loved and when Frank sent her away, declined her credit cards and sent her to the hood with Carla, she felt the total opposite. 

But money was not love. It was nothing close to it. Expensive things were minor to what she truly needed in her life. A wake up call. To see that there were other people in the world struggling. To see that she was actually blessed by her father's hard work and determination to get to a point in his life to provide for is family and not worry about anything financially. To see that her father went above and beyond to give her not only what she needed, but what she wanted as well. She wasn't entitled to things given to her, but again, blessed beyond explanation.

The smile on her face was evidence of that. It not only showed that she was happy, but grateful for what her father had done for her. She could argue a million and one times the way that her father went about teaching her about life and not blowing money, but Rae was tired of being upset with her father for leaving her by herself and cutting her off. It was that tough love that she needed so long ago.

Her relationship with Carla was already at the stage of mother and daughter before the truth came out, but the two were tighter than ever. If she wasn't with Levi, she was downstairs hanging out with Carla. She wasn't the maid that her father hired many years ago, but her biological mother who she spent time to get to know her personally. Movie dates and going out to dinner once a week was a ritual that the two picked up. Since Carla wasn't working for Frank anymore and was paid immensely for everything that she had done for the Harris family, she had much time on her hands. And the time that she spent with Rae was more than she could imagine.

Happiness was radiating within her and nothing could tamper her good mood.

"I quit school," a voice shouted out, causing Rae to look up from the register. 

As if her smile could be any more brighter, Levi walked more into Uncle Pete's Market  looking good. Although a frown was dawned on his caramel colored face, she stared at his lips. Thick full lips that she couldn't get enough of.  When they touched hers she was in heaven and always wanted more. His strong muscular shoulders and chiseled chest was clothed in a white beater. He wore black jeans with red and white Jordan's on his feet. After so many tries of getting him to wear polo's and other shirts, Rae realized that they just weren't him. He loved his white beaters and wore them where ever he went. Including school.

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