Love before Pain

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I woke up to a cold, empty bed. Harry was no longer sleeping next to me. I felt around the bed for a few minutes before looking at the time. Five in the morning. What was it with me and waking up so damn early? I sat up and stretched under the blankets. I felt extremely well rested but still wanted coffee. I got up, noticing I was wearing Harry's t-shirt and underwear, I walked down to the kitchen to find Harry sitting at the counter on his phone, eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning." I yawned. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Morning babe," his attention went back down to his phone, "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, woke up kind of cold. You?" He shrugged.

"Didn't sleep very well. I came down here at about four."

"Damn, I'm sorry babe." This was strange. We were calling each other babe. I wonder if this was just going to be a fling or if it will last.

"I'm used to insomnia. Anyway," he looked up from his phone again, "I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure." I shrugged, pouring myself a cup of coffee out of the pot that he made.

"Well, this has obviously been fun," I blew on my coffee to cool it a little before taking a drink, "but i think it would be more fun if you were my girlfriend." My eyes widened as the hot liquid went down my windpipe instead of my esophagus as I gasped. I regained my composure and stood up straight.

"How long can I have to think about it?" His face dropped.

"Well, I've been saying I love you every day. I just thought since we act like a couple, we should maybe make it official." Oh, what the hell.

"Well, yeah I suppose you have a point on that one. Yes."

"Really?" He said in disbelief, "You'll be my girlfriend?" I nodded.

"Yeah, why not?" I shrugged.

"That was easy." He laughed. I glared at him playfully, causing him to get up from his seat and in one swift movement, lift me up onto the counter, kissing me hard. I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"Why do feel like you're constantly all over me?" He asked me while I sucked roughly on his collarbones.


I sat on the counter of my bar after everyone who previously occupied it had left. I had closed up for the weekend and was planning on taking the weekend off to go visit some family. I wasn't going anymore but I was still closing for the weekend. My mind flooded with thoughts of the girl I love. I'm a fuck up. I had warned her about that. But this was a colossal fuck up and I'm never going to be able to fix this.

"Fucking idiot." I said to myself while taking a swig of Josè Cuervo. I couldn't stop thinking of her. Alaska walked up to me. The last fucking bitch I wanted to see, honestly.

"What do you want." I snapped at her.

"Lose your fucking attitude." She bitched at me. I rolled my eyes and did my best to ignore her.

"I'm sick of everyone. Can you just fucking leave!?" I rubbed my face with my hands.

"You can fuck off and find a different girl to yell at." Her hand came in contact with my face as she slapped me. I lost my temper. I slid off the counter and shoved her to the ground. Hands wrapped around my torso, pulling me off her before I could hit her. I fought against my security guard.

"Let me fucking go!" I seethed. His grip got tighter and I stopped struggling. I pushed him off me and held out a hand to help Alaska up. She stared at me.

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