Blue Eye and Brown Eye

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Jasoline POV

Me: Is this my whole sister

Suddenly Esmeralda's blue eye sparkled and a lamp fell

Me: Hmm that was weird

Esmeralda's brown eye sparkled then I felt a little shock on my hand

Me: Now that was really weird

I decided to go find out who Esmeralda's baby daddy is so I went to the hospital

I went to the front desk

Me: Excuse me ma'am

Lady: (Typing and looking at the computer) Yes

Me: I would like to know who this baby's daddy is

Lady: First and last name please

Me: Rosaline Rodriguez

Lady: So you're trying to find out Esmeralda's baby daddy

Me: Yes

Lady: I'm sorry but you have to get a test and we don't do them here

Me: But I want to know

Lady: I'm sorry but we don't do that here

Me: Okay bye

I walked away slowly when Esmeralda's blue eye sparkled

Lady: Wait

I turned around

Me: (Looking happy) Yeess

Lady: We can make an exception

Me: But getting test done is too much money

Lady: You don't need a test we have records of babies that were born here

Me: Okay

Lady: We also have records of the mommies and daddies

Me: Okay

The Lady showed me the daddy's name it said

Jacob Perez

Me: Thank you

Lady: Wait what just happened

I walked away

Me: (Tapping my chin) Esmeralda you might be helpful

Esmeralda: (Laughing)

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