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I walk up to the stands. I just volunteered! Why? To keep my little sister standing. To keep he healthy and strong. She will be the only one I miss in the arena.

"Now what's your name my dear?" Effie asks.

"Elsa...elsa arendelle" I slowly say. i watch as all of the people stair. and I watch as my little sister try's to rip the grip of hiccup Hawthorne, are godfather.

"Well then let's have a round of applause for are 1st ever volunteer for district 12!" Effie says as she claps her death-full hands together. but no one else claps, they just kiss 3 of there fingers and hole then high above there head, to say, we live you, and thank you.

"Okay so now for the male tribute for district 12" Effie says pushing her hand down into the big class bowl of names for the next man to die for district 12. he slowly pulls out a slip of pepper with her pointer finger an her middle finger. she slips it into he hand and smiles. "this years tribute for district 12 is.... Jackson overland frost" Effie say clapping yet again. soon I see all the men of the left side of the town square move to make a path. and throw that path a merges a man, with white hair and icy blue eyes. I have seen him before. but where? oh yes. the bakery. his is the backers son.

Jackson walks up to the tall brown stands and stands beside me. All the people of district 12 give us the salut again as we are pushed though a huge door into 2 different rooms.

This is like being a chafed bird. all I have to do is stand in silence waiting to be dragged off to the capitol. uggg, that Capitol. that district of the medeiros. all they care about is there game. there stupid tv show. there show that takes teenage kids, age 12-18 to an arena and makes them fight to the death. they care about there show and nothing else. they don't care who falls in the proses. they only want there internment for the year. And I'm going to die. No doubt. I'll die. I'm going to die in less then a week. I'll die in the way I never though I would. murder. I will be murdered by others of penom. I'll be killed and become just another person in there game.

I'm snapped out of my thoughs by my sister running into the room, she filled with tears. "Anna!" I say as I hug my small sister. "elsa. oh elsa. why did you do this?" Anna asks me. "I did this because you have a long and happy life to live. you have meany years to be happy." I say to the small creature in y arms. "I'll never be happy with out you" she crys. "yes you will. you'll grow up and live with hiccup and Madison, then you'll fine love and have a family. and you'll be happy once again." I say to her and she pulls away to look into my eyes. "father would be proud" she says. the though of my father kills me. he too died in these games. that hunger games. I will finally be with him once again.

"Here" Anna say handing me the pine I have her. "to protect you" she smiles a sad smile at me. "Anna... I....." I start to talk to the young girl then 3 men come running in and grab my sister. "I love you els...." she says before the long door slam once again. I set for a minturr, then the door open again. "elsa!" I mans voice says. hiccup. "hiccup!" I say hugging him. "you did a very brave thing for our sister." he says into my ear. "I told my father that I would protect her at all costs. so I did." I say back and he smiles again. "I love you elsa. I'll see you soon. I know you'll be the one to come out. you stronger then the others. remember that." Hiccup says before the men brake in and pull him out. "take care of Anna!" Yell before the door slams and I'm alone once again.

ON HOLD // The volunteer (the hunger games//Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now