Chapter 19: Boiling Point

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Four days had past since war was declared between the two opposing forces. Since then group has stepped up in their activity. They weren't going to give up the museum without a fight and they're sure going to defend it with everything they've got.

One person was always on watch at all times. Peter, Michael, and Adrianna regularly rotated every hour or so. Wouldn't want Mason's people to get a jump on them.

Stockpiling up on supplies was also necessary. They learned from their past mistakes and wouldn't make them again. They would have their vehicles stocked beforehand so they wouldn't have to waste time and can bug out at a moments notice.

They got as many canned and dried goods as they could get and filled their boxes to the brim. They had four cars in total and one of them was a sizeable pickup truck. They filled as many supplies as they could in one trunk. Food, jugs of water, and boxes of ammo. If they were to survive another season again then at leas tthey would have a sizeable amount of resources to work with.

Sam and Kyle were in charge of that. It was a familiar job and they vowed to not fail the group like last time. They had a list containing their entire inventory. They crossed out the foods that would expire the soonest and prioritized the ones that would provide the most nutrition per amount of space they took up. This would maximize their storage.

"If we don't act like pigs then this could last us two whole months on the road." Kyle said optimistically.

They couldn't survive on plain canned food forever though. If they couldn't get protein in their system then they would never be able to push on through tough periods. So Ben went hunting for some decent game. Snakes, turtles, woodchucks, a deer if he was lucky. Anything that could provide some chunky meet. They had plenty of salt and other substances to preserve it.

Since it was the middle of April they were to expect a lot of rain and storms. They were going to need appropriate wear for what was coming. Parkas, water proof shoes, baggy and loose fitting shirts, water proof shoes, and some products that helped to treat fungal infections. A wet environment is perfect for bacteria to grow and thrive after all. So Camille compiled a list and used her horse to travel into parts of the city they cleared. She was looking for department stores which haven't been looted yet.

All of this was their Plan B. In case shit hit the fan and their home was lost. They weren't planning on leaving willingly. They were going to make a stand for as long as they could and give Mason's group a run for their money.

They sorted their newly attained guns into the classes they belonged to. Assault rifles, shotguns, pistols, sniper rifles, submachine gun. The ammo was sorted by calibre. Marco wanted the people on watch to start using the semi-automatic rifles. Without the need to pull the bolt each shot and a larger capacity, he saw it superior to the ones they were already using. He handed four of them to Peter and Adrianna. He wanted the guns set up so all four of their marksmen could be ready to shoot.

Alana held out boxes of 7.62 rounds and asked how many they were going to need. She asked them to have a supply up there already so if they get pinned down they wouldn't have to move.

"Well considering that we're the best shots here, let's assume we land every bullet we fire. There's probably around thirty of those guys left. Factor in that those are actual people that know how to hide behind cover and shoot back. That means we'll likely miss a few times. The shooting will bring in zeds from all over the city and I guess we're going to have to shoot those too. I guess about 500 rounds in total should be all we need." Adrianna calculated.

So Alana gave them ten boxes filled with ammunition. They took it all and they went to their post to set it up.

Alana remembered that they had four marksmen originally and the one they were missing was Andrea. She quickly scanned the room for her. She was helping to push large cabinets against the front entrance for cover. Alana wasn't sure she was ready to get back to being a sniper especially if she had to shoot humans.

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