Chapter 4 Love Forgets?

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         Marinette decides to go talk to Adrien.  Only, as she heads to his house she hears her phone beep. She looks at it and sees she got a text from some old man who says , "Come quick!"  She wonders if it is a some sort of prank. She does not have any idea who sent the text.  Then, again the text does sound rather urgent.  She sends a text back to the number, "Come quick, where?"   She waits to see what happens.  She does not have to wait long before she gets the response, Come to the old  cottage outside, the village two miles from Paris!   

     Marinette packs a suitcase, grabs her purse, sets the alarm, locks the apartment and heads to the nearest train station.  She is not sure what to think about the two text from some stranger, but feels like her future may depend on it. She is not sure why!  She just goes. 

     Once she arrives at the station she pays for a ticket to the area mentioned in the text.  When the train arrives she boards it with her suitcase and purse.  She falls asleep on the train. Turns out Marinette did not sleep that well the night before as she felt bad about how she ran out on Adrien again.  She wakes up at the destination.  She sighs as she gets off the train with her stuff.  She has no idea how to find the old cottage, but figures she must find it.  The message sounds like it is important she come to it anyway.  She hauls a taxi to take her to the old worn down cottage in town, the driver nods his head and says, " Okay, I will drive you there for four eros, Miss!"  

    The driver gets her to the cottage in no time.  He even helps her unload her suitcase and reminds her not to forget her purse. She grabs it up and pays him what she owes, along with a bit extra.  "You keep the change, have a great day,sir!"  Marinette says.

    "You too, Miss!"  The driver says.  He pulls away and shakes his head. He thinks, it strange she should ask to go here of all places. No one lives here, but an old , hermit. The man rarely gets out much.  The few times he is seen by his neighbors they look at him in surprise, since he is not very social.  

    Marinette goes to the porch, with her suitcase and purse. She knocks on the door and rings the doorbell.  She waits to see if some one answers the door.  She smiles when a old man answers it.  

   "Hello, Miss?"  The old man says.

  "Hey, are you the one who sent me this urgent text?"  Marinette says as she shows him the text from the number she does not recognize.  

   The man nods his head.  "Ah, yes!  I did!  I found your number in his phone.  He is still alive, but barely.  I found him in the snow embankment not far from here."  The old man says.

   "He?"  Marinette ask.

  "Yes, I show you, come this way!"  The old man says.  He leads her to the living room where a young man sleeps on the sofa near the fire place.

  "Adrien, are you okay?"  Marinette says when she sees him.

   "Wh-who are you?"  Adrien says.

   "Oh, no!  He does not remember me."  Marinette says.

    "I am sorry, Miss!"  the old man says.

   "I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng."  Marinette says.

   "Is he your boyfriend?"  The man says.

  "No.  It is my fault because I never told him that I love him!"  Marinette says with tears in her eyes.

   "Wow, he is blessed to have your love, Miss Marinette!"  the hermit says

  "He does not remember me, not even a little.  But how?"  Marinette says.

Love Apart AU *Sequel to Nino's  Theory* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now