3- Patching each other up

630 16 4

Inks pov
I sighed in annoyance as I finished cleaning the last bit of dust from the Doodle Sphere. The gang of evil sanses had surprise attacked Error and I. They didn't expect to see Error but went on with the attack anyway. There were a few more sanses with them such and Swapfell, Mafia Sans, and a few more. Error and I ended up having to kill a few sanses. I figured I could just revive them later.
"You alMost doNe thEre?" Error asked kindly.
"Yup, just give me a sec Ruru!" I said, finishing cleaning up the last bit of dust. I stood up quickly, causing a jolt of pain to be shot through my bones, making me almost drop the jars of dust.
"Are yOu okAy?" Error asked, concern lacing his voice.
"I'm fine, just got a little bruised up," I said sheepishly. Error looked at me with a frisk face before taking the jars from my hands and setting them in the floor. He poked gently where I had a cracked bone, causing a grunt of pain to escape my 'mouth'. Error raised a figurative eyebrow before sighing gently, seeming to debate something in his head. Appearing to come to a decision he lifted my shirt to look at the wound. His 'eyes' widened in shock while I was a blushing mess, given the circumstances. Error grabbed a small convenient roll of fabric from his pocket, immediately going to wrap the wound. I looked to him curiously before seeing the red slightly seeping through his shirt, barely visible due to the matching colors. I took out my brush, painting a roll of fabric as I patiently waited for Error to finish. Once he did I lifted his shirt before he could object. I winced at the sight, a few of his ribs were cracked or broken, red marrow leaking from the wounds.
"Good God Error," I muttered under my breath as I started wrapping each wound. After a couple minutes, I finished. I let go of his shirt, letting it fall back over his ribs. I sighed gently, plopping down on the cold Doodle Sphere's surface. Error sat down next me, sighing gently.
"How coMe yOu diD tHat anYway, Inky?" Error asked.
"I couldn't have let you just bleed out could I?" Ink reasoned. Error shrugged as he flopped down, now laying in the floor.
"Oh, and why did you have a roll of fabric on you?" Ink asked. Error's face suddenly heated up, apparently embarrassed by the subject.
"InJurIes." Error replied, obviously lying. I choose not to further question it, just happy we got to spend time together.
'I hope we can always stay like this...'
I thought as I began drifting off to sleep, subconsciously leaning against Error. I realised I never felt this happy.
'Maybe, this is what I needed all along


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