Sydney's Prompt Finished

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I frown at him, sitting up straight. "I'm sick. How do I know these won't make anything worse?"


He places his right hand on his chest and bows. "I vow on my life magic that none of these will have any... Lasting effects."


My frown deepens slightly. "Not good enough. Vow nothing will make me sicker."


"But that would do nothing," Morpheus chuckles. "I have no idea if anything here would- though I doubt it, luv."


I sigh and decide on a compromise. "Two. I'll try two of these..." I gesture wildly at the platter "...things... And only enough for a moment."


Morpheus puts out his hand. "Then, one minute?"


I consider. It isn't that bad an idea... Unless everything is infused with Tum Tum Juice. Knowing Morpheus, it's probably much worse.


"My arm's getting tired, luv. Best to decide quickly."


I snap out of it and shake his hand, regretting it instantly.


His smile looks like a piano. My stomach turns.


"Then, decide. You can choose randomly if you wish." he spreads his arms, and I look uncertainly at the different types of objects. I can't decide between purple broccoli, a bottle with spikes all over it, or any of the other 'foods' on the platter.


I close my eyes, but Morpheus takes my hand before I can grab hold of anything.


"One more condition- I take whatever you do."


My breath catches in my throat. I want to know more than ever what each item does. His hand pulls away, and I drop mine onto something.


"Have you decided?"


"...Yes." I say, deciding not to fool around. "What, are your eyes closed, too?"


"I'll find your hand, luv," he says confidently, placing his directly on my chest.


"Morpheus," I say as evenly as possible. "That is not my hand."


"Are you completely sure, luv?"


"Take your hand off before I do it with a saw."


He removes his hand slowly, letting his fingers trail against the fabric of my shirt. Shivers run through my body. I cough and shake them away, grabbing Morpheus' hand and placing it on mine.


"There," I say shakily. "Same time, then?"


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