Chapter 8

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Emmie P.O.V.

After Andrea packs her bags, she says goodbye to everyone.

"I'll see you soon." she smiles at me fighting back tears. I hug her tightly, she hugs me back even tighter. She steps back.

"I'll pick you up at the airport on Sunday okay?" she asks as she wipes her eye.

"That's perfect." I smile.

"Great I'll see you then." she smiles back and grabs her bags. Connor takes her to the airport. I'm the only other one to go with them. She waves at us as she boards the plane. We wave back until she's inside the plane. Connor and I stay until the plane takes off, we watch it fly away.

"Let's go. We don't want spend your last say here standing around." he giggles. We go back to the hotel room.

"We should go shopping!" I suggest to the guys.

"I'm down." Kian shrugs and looks at the other guys.

"Same here." Ricky and Connor agree.

"Me too." Trevor and Sam say.

"Okay." Jc smiles at me.

"Great." I grin back.

We split into groups. Ricky, Connor, and I go off in one direction. While Jc, Sam, Kian and Trevor go off in another.

"Guys, I have to get Jc something."

"Okay, we'll help you." Connor smiles.

"Yeah." Ricky agrees.

"Thank you. So do you has any ideas?" I ask.

"A promise ring? A bracelet with your name on it? Or a bracelet with something involving you two on it?" Ricky suggests.

"Those are good ideas." Connor says bumping his elbow.

"I agree. That's a tough choice though."

"Do a bracelet with your name on it. He's a nut for bracelets, especially if they mean something." Connor smiles.

"Okay, where do I get that done?"

"There's a place down here that custom makes jewelry." Ricky says.

"Great. Let's go!"

I get a bracelet with my name carved into piece of metal with hearts on both sides. I hide it in my pocket. When we all get back together to eat, I sit across from Jc on the end of the table.

"So what did you get?" he asks me smiling.

"Uhh, one second." I say. I pull the bracelet from my pocket and set it in my lap.

"Close your eyes." I smile. He closes his eyes, I grab his hand and put the bracelet in his hand.

"Okay, open them."

He opens his eyes and looks down at his hand.

"I love it... but-" he says looking up at me.

Jc P.O.V.

"I love it... but-"

"But what?" she asks worried.

"Close your eyes." I say.

She closes her eyes. I put a bracelet that matches the one she gave me, but with my name on it. She opens her eyes and grins.

"Awh, I love it!" she smiles as she puts it on. She grabs mine and puts it around my wrist. I look up at her and smile.

"It's perfect." she says softly.

"So are you two lovers going to pick what to eat before the waitress gets here?" Kian says sarcastically.

"Kian leave them alone." Trevor says punching his arm.

The waitress comes and takes our order. We eat and leave the restaurant.

"Is there any place else you want to go?" Emmie asks as she licks her lips.

"No where else I want to go." Sam shrugs.

"Not me." Kian says.

"Nope." Trevor raises his eyebrows.

"I can't think of anything." Connor shrugs.

"Me either." Ricky agrees.

"No where but with you." I smile and grab her hand.

"So back to the hotel?"

"It's only 4 though." Connor complains.

"Then what should we do?" Sam taunts.

"There's nothing we really can do." Emmie shrugs.

"Okay, then lets go back." Trevor says trying to end the conversation.

"Okay." everyone agrees and we head back to the hotel.

Emmie P.O.V.

"What we do now?" Ricky asks smirking.

"I don't know." Jc giggles.

"I'm not in the mood to do anything." I shrug.

"Then let's not do anything." Trevor smiles.

"I'm down! But lets watch a movie!" Sam exclaims.

"Okay." I grin and lay down on my bed.

Sam gets himself a blanket and a pillow. Kian helps himself to a blanket as well. Ricky, Connor, and Trevor get themselves chairs. Jc lays next to me. Kian grabs the remote and goes through the movie channels. We pick a movie and settle in. I rest my hand on Jc's chest along with my head. He giggles and wraps both of his arms around me.

Sam falls asleep quite quickly.

"I guess we better hit the sack too, huh?" Kian giggles as he picks up Sam, throwing him over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess. it's getting pretty late." Ricky agrees as he checks his phone.

"Night guys." I smile as I untangle myself from Jc.

"Night." Trevor smiles back as he shuts the door behind him.

I get up to brush my teeth. I hear Jc's tired voice as I walk to the bathroom.

"Come baack." he wines.

"One sec!" I giggle and walk into the bathroom. I come out after brushing my teeth and see Jc with his arms out with down turned eyebrows. I can't but smile. I turn off the TV and crawl next to him. Pulling the blanket over him, I kiss him on the cheek.

"Yay." he whispers with a goofy smile, sending me into giggling stock.

"This is why I love you." I manage to get out between giggles.

"I know." he smiles his regular smile.

"We should stay up as late as we can!" I exclaim trying to keep my voice down.

"But your flight.." he starts a sentence.

"I'm flying all the way across the country Jc." I interrupt him.

"Fine." he mumbles hesitantly.

We stay up together until 5:45am. We talked about anything really.

"Babe, I'm going to get up okay?" I ask him.

"Please stay, this is the last time I'll be able to hold you in my arms for a while."

"I'll be back in minute. I promise." I smile and go to the bathroom. I come back and tangle myself with him again.

"Goodbye." I mouth to myself.

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