Chapter 1 .

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Note- This takes place immediately before Katniss drops the tracker jacker nest on the Careers.


Glimmer’s POV-

I am asleep in Cato’s arms, the warmth from his body keeping me warm. My eyes are closed but I can feel the smile on my lips widen. I hear a rustle in the forest that makes my eyes flicker open, probably another tribute, but honestly, what do I care? Today is the day I die.

I was already told that I will not win this Hunger Games, during my training session.

I had just walked in, feeling overly confident that I would get a good score, when one of the Gamemakers had gotten up to walk over to me.

“Hello Glimmer,” he had said, “We have some rather unfortunate news.”

I was speechless; I remember that, I could only think that maybe I would be coming home early.

“Let me just get right to the point. You will not be winning this year’s Hunger Games.”

He then told me that I would die on the third day, and he told me the victor of that year’s games.

She was none other than Katniss Everdeen.

A new rage is now building up inside me as I remember that day. Today I will die…

I heard another rustle, this time directly above me. I lift me head to see this year’s victor with a knife in her hand. She is sawing at a branch that hangs right above me and Cato. I begin to wonder what she is doing, when I see the wasp nest hanging from the end of that branch. Except this is the Hunger Games, everything is extreme. I wouldn’t be surprised if those where Tracker Jackers, actually, they probably are.

Katniss is now almost through the branch, I don’t bother moving, because I know that I will wake Cato, and I want to die happy.

I start to let my mind wander off… I wonder why the wasps aren’t stirring…

Probably from the smoke, I tell myself, remembering yesterday’s wildfire. Well, you can’t really call it a wildfire, because the gamemakers most likely created it to draw us together.

A few of the poisonous bugs have now recognized what Katniss is doing, and are now attacking her. I begin to get a hope that maybe the stings will be enough to stop Katniss from sawing, but I push the thought away almost as soon as I think it. The gamemakers wouldn’t let such a thing happen.

I hear a thundering snap, and see that the branch is now falling. I look at Cato one last time, and push him to wake up, quite hard actually.

By the time Cato is woken up, the branch has hit the ground and the nest splits open like an egg.

I let out an ear piercing screech as a signal for the rest of my newfound friends to run and grab my bow. If I can’t have it, no one can.

I try to run through the wasps to make sure at least Cato made it out alive, but they are now all on me. They swarm over me, stinging me over and over. I feel my vision start to dim, but I force my eyes to stay open. I scream again, although a lot of the wasps have gone, the few that stays are insistent on stinging me more.

When the final wasp has left, the pain is unbearable, but I refuse to give in. I force my eyes to stay open and I watch as Katniss scurries down the tree with a trail of butterflies following her. She must have been stung as well, because she looks a little dazed. I see a bush explode into a geyser of orange stars as Katniss makes her way over to me.

I see where the tracker jackers stung her and I can only wonder how I look. I’m probably unrecognizable now.

She notices something on me and leans down next to me. My bow, of course! Well, she can’t have it.

I tighten my grip on the bow with what strength I have left in my body and feel an overwhelming force come over me as everything I see is pink. Katniss, with her hot pink braid and baby pink skin, looks like a Capital woman. I wonder if she’ll look like that when she wins…

I feel her tug on the pack of arrows on my back, and when she succeeds, she looks down at the bow. If I could laugh, I would. This bow is mine, and if I can help it, I’m taking it with me back home.

My eyes are still open, and although I cannot blink, I know that I am still alive, but not for long. My vision is getting blurry, and I’m getting so weak…

I take a breath as I try to say something. But it only comes out as a groan. Cato, where are you?

I watch helpless as Peeta sprints into the clearing. I never did like him… If he had never suggested that we stay the night near that tree I would never be going through this! If I could, I would kill him right now.

Peeta is screaming something to Katniss, and a large bear falls from the sky, only to explode when it hits the ground. A cannon then sounds, am I dead? No, it must be someone else…

Katniss is still struggling to get the bow, when my vision goes black. I can still hear and feel, but someone must have closed my eyes… I feel unbearable pains as one of my fingers are broken, and my hand goes limp. Katniss must have gotten the bow, because the weight in my hand is gone, but the pain is still coursing through my hand.

Katniss has gone, or at least stepped away, because I hear thundering footsteps as someone enters the clearing. I hear more screaming. I recognize that voice…

I never have the chance to figure out who that was because I hear a loud cannon. And all feeling has gone from my body. I can only register one thought.

The voice was Cato’s


Yup, so that's the first chapter. Please comment and tell me what you think. I know it's kind of short, but oh well. :3

If you find any typos or errors please let me know. I think I caught them all, but you never know.

I will post the next chapter when I get a chance. Please let me know what you think, so if it's terrible, I can just stop before anyone gets hurt.

Love you guys. ❤

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