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Look down at it I couldn't believe it
What had I done this couldn't be true my career everything that I've worked for since I was three gone my thoughts where stopped by knocks in the door "Dani hurry up I really have to go"
I looked In the mirror wiping away the tear that was rolling down my face without even noticing.I was rare I could easily count the times I cried on one hand.I took it and placed it in the box and in my pocket as I walked out "sorry for taking long,I'm going out"
"Where?"Nicole one of my roommates asked
"Just need to walk"I said as I grabbed my keys and walked out the door into the cold fall air of New York.
Putting in my headphones and walking trying not to think about it,failing miserably
"There not alway right what are the odds of this happening"I thought as I subconsciously turned the corner leading me to the women's clinic.
Greeted by a lady in pink scrubs "hi how may I help you today"
"Um I think I might,um can I get a pregnancy test"
"Sure thing just right your name down and you should be called in a couple of minutes"
My hand shook as I wrote down my name
"Danielle grace " a nurse said after about ten minutes
I walked following her and she took me into a room
And once I told her why I was there she handed my one of those tiny cups and told me they would need a sample I went to the bathroom and came back with it she received it and told me the doctor would come in to see me soon and left
A couple minutes later which felt like forever I heard a knock and the doctor came in she was young probably 26
"Hi,I'm Dr.George"she said and shook my hand
She looked down at her notes and then looked up at me "I can insure you that your pregnant,is like to say congratulations but I don't know if it's appropriate "
"Well it certainly wasn't planed"I said with the blankest expression.
"Well when was the last time you had intimate relationships"
"About a two months ago"
"That's roughly what the test gave out that your about 6 weeks pregnant"
"So I really have had something growing inside me?"
"Yeah and just know that there are many other options and we don't judge here if you don't wanna keep it"
"I don't know what I'm gonna do or what's gonna happen next"
"And that's totally fine,I hope that the father takes it well and is supportive in your decision after all it is your body"
"Oh yeah I need to tell the father" I said as I thought out loud how was I gonna tell him how was I even gonna reach out to him oh no
"Ok than so I'll see you in about 2 weeks for your first ultra sound and check up"
"Yeah thanks see you in two weeks"I said as I walked out
I walked to the closest park with a hot Chocolate
I had bought from one of the stores near by and let my thoughts run wild
What was I gonna do,could I afford a kid,my parents where gonna kill me,I was gonna get kicked out of school or my parents would make me leave,was I gonna keep it or seek an abortion or adoption,all my parents hard work and my years of training could all be gone.
I sat there a few more minutes and watched some of the children run around was I gonna have one of them in less than 9 months?
I shortly after walked back to my dorm room complex where I was meet with chad he was from my home town and one of the friendliest guys out there
"So what got you down he said and he pressed the elevator button to the 4th floor and I the 3rd
"Oh come on I've known you since kindergarten where practically related and I know you like the back of my hand"
"Just some boy troubles nothing much"
"Alright then if you ever need me to do a thing for you or go after a jerk you just let me know"he said as the door to my  floor opened
"Sure thing"I said and turned to walk towards my dorm room
Opening it and placing my light very light sweater on the hanging area we had and went to my bed and slept for a bit or at least tried to as once again I thought how was I gonna tell him about this?would he care?did he remember me?should I even?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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