P r o l o g u e

3 0 0

Yes, I know.
N o  o n e  l o v e s  m e
I don't need to be reminded. I want to know if there's someone out there who would open their arms, at least look at me and not think monster, and let me feel warm inside. They warn of a bitter cold heart within rickety slime, a never-ending annoying smile plaster on their face. Yep.
t h a t ' s  m e
I never remember how I my past went. It's all blank. Everything's filled with pain, scorn, and sorrow. I'm just an innocent person and everyone's already judged the cover of my story.
Y o u  p r o b a b l y  h a v e
What, don't be surprised. I live on the streets, obviously. Technically, there was one person who seemed to like me... till they left. Never saw them again. Tried to touch me. Nah, they were around 12, not 3. Only three years are stupid enough to try and touch or mess with a slime Kirby, let alone a normal Kirby.
G e t  t h e  b i g  p i c t u r e
I'm lonely, hated, and never got used to it. No name. No joy. No love. Welcome to my nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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