#1 (一) - 1/15/2019

11 4 0

こんにちわ!Since this is my first entry, I will also be including the content I've already learned. Note that I've only recently picked up the language (literally last week), so like, I don't know that much lmao

In the past, I started with some greetings and Hiragana, learning the vowels, and then only the K, S, N, and M columns before giving up. However, recently when I relearned everything, I learned Hiragana in just a day before moving onto everything else.

あいえおう (a i e o u)
かきけこく (ka ki ke ko ku)
さしせそうする (sa shi se so su)
たちてとつ (ta chi te to tsu)
まみめもむ (ma mi me mo mu)
なにねのぬ (na ni ne no nu)
はひへほふ (ha hi he ho hu/fu)
ら利れろる (ra ri re ro ru)
やよゆ (ya yo yu)
わを (wa wo)
ん (n)
*Also learned:
The addition of " (two small dashes) to the upper right corners of the k, s, t, and h* columns to produce a variant consonant sound

*h is a special little one because it can produce to variants, depending on whether you add a " or a to the kana
か ⇾ が (ga)
さ ⇾ ざ (za)
し ⇾ じ (ji)
た ⇾ だ (da)
つ ⇾ づ (dzu)
は ⇾ ば (ba)
は ⇾ ぱ (pa)

Greetings and Some Basic Phrases
こんにちわ (konnichiwa - Hello)
こんばんは (konbanwa - Good evening)
おはよう (ohayou - inf. Good morning)
おはようございます (ohayou gozaimasu - form. Good morning)
おやすみ (oyasumi - inf. Good night)
おやすみなさい (oyasuminasai - form. Good night)
すみません (sumimasen - Excuse me/I'm sorry)
ごめん (gomen - casual; I'm sorry)
ありがとう (arigatou - Thanks)
ありがとうございます (arigatou gozaimasu - form. Thank you)
はじめまして (hajimemashite - Nice to meet you)
さようなら (sayounara - Goodbye)
もしもし (moshi moshi - on the phone; Hello)
_____ です (_____ desu - I am _____)
愛してよ (ai shiteyo - I love you)

愛 (ai; あい - love)
大 (ō; お - big)
名 (na; な - name)
学 (manapu;まなぷ - study, learning)
子 (ko; こ - child)
林 (hayashi; はやし - forest)
日本語 (Nihongo - Japanese)
日本 (Nihon - Japan)

一 (ichi - 1)
二 (ni - 2)
三 (san - 3)
四 (yon - 4)
五 (go - 5)
六 (roku - 6)
七 (nana - 7)
八 (hachi - 8)
九 (kyuu - 9)
十 (juu - 10)
十一 (juu ichi - 11)
二十 (ni juu - 20)
二 一 (ni-juu ichi - 21)
三十 (san-juu - 30)
四十 (yon-juu - 40)
百 (hyaku - 100)
千 (sen - 1000)

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