2 million ~ Phan fluff

1.3K 69 10

A/N - This is based off a post I made on instagram (@okaylester) and a few people said I should write a phanfiction on it so here we go! <3


~ 3rd person ~

8 years

It's been 8 years since that first video was made. 8 years of tiring editing, meet ups, idea planning, costume changes, camera breaking and fixing, blood, sweat and tears, all leading up to this moment. If you'd have told Dan 5 years ago that he'd be in the same house as the one he fangirled over for so long, he wouldn't have believed you. But here he was, sitting at his desk at 7am, refreshing the page of his idol, who he now loved more than ever, and he loved him back.

100 to go

Dan watched as the numbers painfully crawled up. He sighed shakily with excitement, and refreshed the page again.

90 to go

His hands tapped lightly on the mouse with anticipation, and the numbers slightly raised again. He clicked down again.

80 to go

1,999,920. He smiled widely at the screen, realising that this was actually happening. This was actually happening. That he would be the only person to see Phil's natural reaction, and he would treasure it.

70 to go

Dan let out a small giggle and stared at the screen. He knew that Phil deserved at least 2 billion subscribers, but he knew he had never been so proud of anyone in his entire life.

60 to go

He clicked the refresh button again and watched the number rise even more. He checked the time - 7:21am. He'd been awake since 6:30 just because he knew that Phil would hit it soon, and he laughed to himself. He couldn't believe that Phil was finally there.

50 to go

The numbers grew again, and Dan anxiously but excitedly bit his nails, trying to hold back practically screaming with happiness.

40 to go

As Dan refreshed it again, he observed the page for a bit, how cute he looked in his youtube profile picture, how adorable he was in his latest video's thumbnail, how Dan was at the top of his recommended channels. He wanted to rush and get Phil now, but he didn't. He knew exactly what he was doing

30 to go

The numbers rose painfully slow and Dan bit down on his lip. 30 more. 30 more people and Phil would be there. He couldn't believe it.

20 to go

He refreshed it again and grinned widely, his tongue slightly, just slightly, poking out between his teeth, a trait which he had caught from Phil, who looked adorable when he did it. He clicked down again.

10 to go










Dan sat there, his heart in his mouth and his stomach twisting wildly, his smile gradually growing bigger by the second, his eyes wide and sparkling, his hands twitching nervously as he clicked the mouse once more


"2,000,000 subscribers"

Dan sat there in awe, and his mouth dropped but the sides were still pulled upwards. He couldn't believe it. It didn't feel real. And with that, he rushed out of the room and straight into Phil's, who's eyes suddenly burst open to the sudden noise.

Dan jumped onto the bed beside him and wrapped his arms around him, pressing kisses to his face and neck. He pulled Phil's hands up around his neck and Dan placed one over his shoulder and the other on Phil's cheek. He laughed at how confused Phil looked, and that's when he felt himself tearing up.

"You did it Phil" Dan said, laughing a little, but his voice broke half way through and his throat was choaked up with tears.

"W-what?" Phil said, still confused. "What did I do?"

"Phil you did it"

"You hit 2 million"

Phil repeated the words out loud, and his mouth dropped open. Dan laughed and kissed him gently, wrapping his hands around Phil's waist and pulling himself slightly on top of him. Dan was fully crying now, and Phil was very close to it.

"I'm so proud of you Phil" Dan whispered, his voice shaky and cracked, but the amount of emotion in his words was enough for Phil to let the tears stream down his face.

"I love you Phil" Dan said, tears still flowing from his eyes, and he gently kissed his cheek. He pulled Phil's face up to his, and looked into his eyes, noses touching, foreheads pressed together, legs tangled around each other's, breathing heavily, choaking out laughs in between the tears.

"I-I love you too"

A/N - This was written in celebration of AmazingPhil reaching 2 million subscribers, who is truly amazing <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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