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Runt Pov

The soft pounding of my padded feet echoed throughout the forest. My lungs burned for the sweet sensation of air. Howls sounded in the distance, pissed they lost thier punchingbag. Green blurs were all my oxygen-starved body could comprehend.

The dark loomed closer, coming in the form of a pure black mane. Red orbs peered down at me. The howls became louder. The ground vanished beneath me as I felt dampness and pain on the scruff of my neck. I grew more dizzy, the howls became quieter, and then the darkness overcame my entire being.

Unknown POV

When a devastated whimper of a child reached my wizened ears, I sprinted towards it as quickly as my body could push itself. As I approached the small slow moving grey figure, I couldn't help but see the myself in the pup. I felt a click from my wolf.

*This is our heir*


As I rushed away from my pack, I heard several twigs snap. I snapped my head towards it and hit a tree, a hovering dark figure came into my line of sight before I felt fangs in the scruff of my neck.

This isn't how I thought I would die... but it beats getting killed by my pack for being falsely accused of killing my brother.

The darkness overcame me...

Six hours later...

I began to open my eyes. Am I dead? I tried to sit up, but the agony was too much... Nope. Not dead. This hurts far too much to be heaven. A voice woke me out of my thoughts.

"Welcome to your own personal hell, kid," a scruffy voice rasped. My eyes opened to reveal a rather intimidating man with scars everywhere, a black and green mohawk, and clean shaven face. He had wrinkles... His lips were turned into a deep and somehow sickening smirk...

"What do you mean?" I managed to wheeze out. His smirk widened and grew extremely arrogant.

"The time is come for me to find an heir to X," he chuckled menacingly. I gasped, X... the bounty hunter who has never missed a target... he assassinated many alphas in the past... why does he want me?

End of flashback

Without another thought, I grasped the childs mane to carry him or her away from the deadly sounding howls... If this child dies, so does X, and I won't be the bounty hunter to fail the name. I focused and enhanced my surroundings to go faster.

My vision tinted red, and I could hear the souls of my recent and old predecessors. Always murmurs though... I could never decipher them unless it was important. I ran until I reached the rouge border. The howls were now fainter as they knew where we were headed, and that X had taken the child.

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