(A/N: Well here's a plot heckin' twist for ya. Never even thought I'd add this to the story because this and chapter 12 was a one-shot. Hope it's still enjoyable)

July 2nd, 2016:
I had been on Warped Tour for a week now with my boyfriend Kyle. I wish I could say I'm enjoying myself, but it's been a bittersweet experience so far. I love being around all of these amazing people every day— except Kyle.

For some reason, touring has made Kyle a total douche bag. He started out being tolerable for the first two days, then he became a fucking diva. He always planned super inconvenient meet and greets, and sometimes he got snippy with fans. He managed to make a few girls cry and guess who had to comfort them? That's right— me. The My Digital Escape tour may have sucked, but at least Kyle took people's feelings into consideration back then. Now? Things were either his way or no way.

On the bright side, I had quite a few bands I got along with really well on this tour: I had toured with Issues and Sleeping with Sirens before, and I was actually becoming closer with Crown The Empire this tour. Their youngest member, Andy, was only about four years older than me, so we got along well. In fact, they were all people I'd consider good friends of mine.

I found myself sitting with Andy during breakfast more than I did with the people I was touring with— it was weird.

He let me bitch and moan about Kyle— who is about to become single if he doesn't get his shit together.
It was finally time for the meet and greet today in Orlando I was dreading; like most meet and greets.

"This line is huge!" Kyle happily exclaimed.

Dakota, Andrew and I also managed to pretend to be happy for him, but we all secretly wanted to die.

Out of all of the fans, I noticed a familiar green-haired girl which brought a huge grin to my face.

"SHANNON!" I exclaimed, running up to her and giving her a big hug.

"Hey, kiddo," She chuckled as she returned the hug. "How's touring going?"

I frowned, "Not as good as I'd like it to be."

"Wanna walk around and talk about it?" Shannon asked. "I mainly came to the tent to see you, honestly."

"I'd like that," I smiled, "thanks, Shan."

"It's no big deal, really." She smiled as we prepared to walk around the venue.

I told Shannon how Kyle was ruining this tour for me with his dictator-like attitude and how he's been an absolute prick every day. I even mentioned how he's been taking his frustrations out on me.

"Damn, he's reminding me of how Bryan was during the MDE tour." Shannon shook her head.

"I'm honestly so over it," I sighed. "I'm so close to calling off the relationship, I'm not going to be treated like ass during this tour."

"Aw, honey," Shannon frowned, "Do what's best for you, but you don't deserve to have your heart broken."

"I think I'll be fine, I have other people on this tour that I like more than Kyle anyways." I smiled as I thought about spending the rest of the tour with Issues, Sleeping with Sirens or Crown The Empire.

"Who would you tour with instead of Kyle?" Shannon asked.

"Either Crown, Issues, or Sleeping with Sirens," I replied, "I wouldn't mind touring with Crown, though."

"Ooh, get it." Shannon laughed.

My face turned a deep shade of red.


Rise And Fall: A Kyle David Hall fanfiction (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now