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Loud POPs were heard throughout the garden. Reborn and Tsuna were on their feet within seconds weapons at a ready. Reborn watched as Natalia froze at the sound and hide behind Fuuta and Lambo whom were both it fighting stances. Tsuna's Guardians came running out of the mansion taking up fighting stances around their Sky. "Lambo, Fuuta, I-pin get Natalia to Mukuro!" Tsuna ordered quickly. A man with a very bright clothes followed by 6 people behind him a sedated pace.

"Who are you and how did you get past Hibari's defenses?" Tsuna asked them coldly. The brightly dressed male stepped closer toward them causing his Guardians to active their flames. "Surrender Natalia Potter now or we will be forced to take drastic measures because you failed to comply to the letter I sent a week ago." He said calmly. Tsuna gave his three most violent and most gental Gaurdians a look and they slowly walked towards Natalia. "Imouto, come on little one let's get you out here." Mukuro said gently holding out his hand to her but she shook her head and latched onto Hibari.

He glared at the intruders as Natalia clung to him instead of Mukuro. He picked her up and rested her on his hip, Chrome was talking to her in hushed tones trying to calm her down. Mukuro glared at the new comers with his mismatched eyes, Trident is his hand as stood slightly in front of the trio. "As you can see she is perfectly fine here. So I suggest you leave before my friends and mentor show you why they are feared." Tsuna said as the three turned to walk towards the mansion. The man sighed. "Such a waste but then again you are interfering with my perfectly laid plans concerning the child." Those present who were not on the old man's side snarled in anger.

"Natalia is not some weapon for a war she is a person with needs and a will of her own, Albus Dumbledore!" Takeshi said his voice soft as he glared at him. Reborn was trembling in suppressed anger as he wanted nothing more than to kill the bastard were he stood. "Oh well casualties can't be helped in war." Dumbledore said before he started casting spells initiating a battle of sorts. Both sides jumped into action as Hibari, Mukuro and Chrome tried to get Natalia into the mansion.

Different colored spells and flame attacks flew past them. To an outsider it would look like a light show but for those present it meant war. And those of the Mafia didn't take the threat of war lightly. Natalia was passed from the one set of arms of her protectors to the next like some twisted game of hot potato. From Hibari to Mukuro to Chrome to Tsuna to Hayato to Ryohei to Takeshi to Lambo to Reborn and back to Hibari. Some where along the line Dumbledore grabbed her arm and held her close to him. "NATALIA!" Came the combined shout of the Vongola Tenth Generation. "Looks like you lose." Dumbledore said smugly as they watched Natalia struggle to get her arm out of his grip only for him to tighten it.

Reborn glared at the old man who held his little sister. He glance at Tsuna. "Do it!" He said through gritted teeth. Tsuna nodded putting his hand in his pocket pushing a button that called for backup. "And you thought you would be able to defeat a wizard." Dumbledore sneered at them. Reborn raised an eyebrow at the haughtiness in Dumbledore's voice. Tsuna ever the Peace Keeper stepped in. "Please! Let go of Natalia!" He pleaded Dumbledore. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "And why should I do that?" He asked. Tsuna looked down his eyes shadowed. "Because if you don't..." He looked up his eyes now a brilliant amber instead brown.

Dumbledore failed to notice the backup arriving which consisted of the entire Vongola alliance. "They would have to take drastic measures." Tsuna said pointing behind Dumbledore. One of the wizards Alistair Moody turned to where Tsuna was pointing. "Oh now it's a party." He said grinning madly. Dumbledore quickly casted a patronus charm and called for backup. More wizards popped up on the battle field. "So, baby trash, what are we up against?" A very large man with scars holding two guns loosely in his hands said. Tsuna deadpanned saying. "Wizards and they are trying to take one of my own, Xanxus."

Xanxus growled glaring at the old man. "You dare try taking something that belongs to the baby Vongola?" Dumbledore paled when he heard the name. Who hasn't heard about the strongest Mafia Famgilia in Italy. "That's not all Xanxus. The girl he's holding is Reborn's sorellina and she is a Sky. And he..." Tsuna pointed at Dumbledore. "Might seal her flames." All the Sky Flame users released a massive amount of killer intent. "There is no fucking way I'm going let this bastard seal a baby sky!" Xanxus snarled as the rest of the Sky Flame users nodded. Xanxus grinned ferally. "Let's see if you can dance fucker!"

And with that the battle was on once again. Dumbledore let go of Natalia as Xanxus started shooting at him causing him jump around like a chicken. She was quickly grabbed by a guy that smelled distinctly like marshmallows. Natalia looked up a the person and her jaw fell open. The person was eating marshmallows while fighting with her in his arms. "Want one?" He offered only for her to be grabbed by a handsome blonde man. Reborn yelled across the battle field. "DON'T GIVE HER ANY FUCKING MARSHMALLOWS! SHE IS NOT ALLOWED ANYTHING SWEET AT THE MOMENT, DINO!" Natalia pouted at his words, she wasn't bad when it came to sweets! Dino saluted at Reborn and kept running. Natalia looked around as they ran and she was once again passed around like a hot potato.

Once she was finally on her feet she saw a woman who looked like a female Tsuna running with a pair of frying pans, bashing in heads like it was going out of style. "FRYING PANS!" She shouted. "YOU DON'T BRING FRYING PANS TO A FIGHT. I UNDERSTAND GUNS, GRENADES AND SWORDS BUT FRYING PANS. ARE THEY NONE STICK?" She exclaimed sarcastically. Everyone stopped to look at the slip of a girl even the wizards. Reborn face palmed at his sister's comment. "What it's a valid question!" She said innocently. "But seriously who brings a freaking FRYING pan to a fight?" The Tsuna-Female double popped up hitting a few wizards along the way. "I DO!" She exclaimed cheerfully and the battle continued.

"Retreat!" Dumbledore yelled and apperated away from the battle field. The wizards quickly followed. Alistair Moody groaned. "Is the party over? So soon? But why?" He whined like a five year old child but followed after. "Cowardly trash!" Xanxus said grinning madly. Those present watched The Little Sky plop down on the grass and groan. "Damn my Potter luck!" Even though they didn't understand they all started either chuckling, grinning, smirking and full out laughing.

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