It Lies Within Faith

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I stare at her from the back of the room. No one notices me. I'm just that kid who doesn't have a place in high school. Why would anyone care? Do they even know I exist? I know she doesn't. Her name is Jessica. She has to be the most beautiful women to grace the Earth. She's tall, has silky blonde hair, gorgeous hazel eyes, and the smile of an angel. She seems too perfect to be human. I seem to not be able to find any words that describe her. The only thing I can think of, would be perfection. And, I don't even think that suits her well enough.

See, the problem with me is that I'm just a low class "nerd" as they like to call me. I don't understand why though, I don't make the best grades, I don't wear glasses, and I dress like pretty much everyone else. I don't even have a nerd name, my name is Jole, for crying out loud! I have no friends. Every single person here is an asshole! Well, everyone but her. Even the teachers dislike me. I think I should talk to her when class is over... Well, maybe not. She's going to be around everyone, so I wouldn't even get to talk.

"Alright, class is over! Don't forget, Monday we have a test. I'll see you Monday. Have a good weekend." Said Mr. Holmes. Great, interrupting my train of thought, whatever. Thank god it's the weekend. I'll be able to get some peace and quiet from all these people. As I start to leave class Mr. Holmes stops me. He asks "Jole, is everything alright? You seemed more distant then usual today. What's on your mind?" Mr. Holmes was probably the only person in the whole school that didn't treat me bad. He seemed like he actually cared. I answered him, "It's Jessica, sir. I like her so much, but I know with everyone being who they are, I won't even get a chance to talk to her." Mr. Holmes looked me into the eye and said, "Jole, look, you have to be confident in yourself. Just ignore what those kids are saying, and go up to her. We both know that she's not the type to be mean. She'll listen to whatever it is you want to tell her. Now, you should be going, don't want you to miss your ride home." During the ride home, I thought about what Mr. Holmes said. Once I got home, I started planning what I was going to say to Jessica. I spent the entire weekend thinking about it. Every time I thought it sounded nice, I just trashed the idea, and started over.

Once I got to school on Monday, I couldn't wait for Mr. Holmes' class. This was the first time I was ever exicted to go to class. When I finally arrived in class the first thing I saw was Jessica. As beautiful as ever. She was sitting next to her best friend, Nicole. I walked up to Jessica, and whispered "hi." Nicole jumped up and asked, "what did you say?!?! Why do you want to talk to her?!?!" This scared me, Nicole was the over-protective best friend. She didn't want ANYONE hurting Jessica, even me. Jessica placed her hand on Nicole's shoulder, with her angelic smile and calmly said, "Nicole, it's fine. He won't try anything. It's just Jole, settle down." She knows my name? I didn't even think she knew I was alive. "Now, Jole, what did you want to say?" I glanced up, and said quietly, "I wanted to say, 'h... hi. H... How are you?'" After I said that her smile grew a fraction of a inch bigger. Her eyes even opened up some more. She then said, "Well, hello, Jole. I'm doing just great. How are you doing?" I couldn't believe that I was actually having a conversation with her. It felt amazing, even if I was scared as hell. I looked up with a very small smile, but still a soft and quiet tone, and said, "I.. I.. I'm okay. I think I'm going to sit down, class is going to start soon. Bye, Jessica." "Bye, Jole." She said as she waved. For the rest of class I thought about what had just happened. I kept playing it through my mind. For once, I was actually happy.

For the rest of the week, nothing bothered me. One thing I found weird, was that one of our school's soccer players came up to me during lunch and sat next to me. His name was, Joey. He's taller than I am, and has short black hair, and brown eyes. I looked at him, and saw that he looked sad. I didn't say anything and just kept eating. Before school ended he came up to me, and told me his little brother killed himself due to the bullies at his school. Joey told me that he felt bad for the things everyone was saying, and doing. He asked if we could be friends. I thought for a moment, and said, "yes." The week turned-out to be one of the best weeks of my life. I finally talked to the girl of my dreams, and I made a friend. I thought to myself, "maybe this won't be so bad..."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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