BTS in Hogwarts

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Since I'm a huge Potterhead and I haven't done this already, I'll make this little short Hogwarts AU.
Warning: This is just my opinion, so it's based completely on how I see and understand them and doesn't have to be accurate at all. Also remember that being Slytherin doesn't mean "being bad" and that seeing Slytherins as the bad guys is a huge misinterpretation of the house.

Seokjin as a Gryffindor

In my opinion, Seokjin belongs into Gryffindor. And it's not only about his confidence or being "worldwide handsome". What I've observed is that he values courage and determination. He's always pushing through and forward, working hard on things that he's not good enough at yet. He started off as an aspiring actor but ended up as a successful singer thanks to his determination to become one. He's also the one who's always hyping up people around him, his members as well as his fans. He's not afraid to be himself and to believe in himself and he's trying to teach people to do the same. He never hesitates to speak up, he's willing to stand up to authorities and is very stubborn once he sets his mind on something.

Jimin as a Slytherin

Jimin is never happy with himself. He's very ambitious, even to the point of perfectionism. When there's something he wants, he'll do everything he can to achieve it. He's resourceful in the ways of working for something and never gives up on things truly important to him. He's setting his goals the highest he can and doesn't stop reaching for them until he can grasp them with ease. He always wants to be on top, to be the best and believes that only determination, hard work and ambition can help people achieve what they want.

Hoseok as a Gryffindor

Hoseok is very determined in what he wants and is willing to take risks in order to achieve it. While being a perfectionist, he likes to show off and lead others. His presence is overwhelming and the room is always full of him. He's not afraid to act the way he feels and expresses himself freely while still being sensitive and considerate of his surroundings. Opinions of other people are important to him in order to make himself even better than he already is, his hard work never ends.

Jungkook as a Slytherin

Jungkook knows very well what he's doing. He's very resourceful and ambitious, which results in working hard towards his goals. He doesn't fear obstacles but when one comes by, it makes him feel frustrated. He likes to be respected and to be seen as a strong and independent man. He's also very cunning- he's often seen as confused and innocent, but he knows exactly the way he wants to present himself and knows how to reach his goals he works so hard for. Being awfully talented, he knows how to make the best use of his abilities to stand out.

Namjoon as a Ravenclaw

I was at first considering Gryffindor for him, since Namjoon is one of the bravest people I know, but he values knowledge and wisdom over courage. He knows a lot and feels that he should be educating others on matters he understands. He wants to spread his beliefs to change the world for better. He reaches out and talks about things people consider hard or an unwritten taboo. He's a natural intelectual and likes to present himself that way.

Taehyung as a Hufflepuff

Taehyung is hardworking and patient. He's loyal to his friends and takes friendship as a priority and something that can't be taken for granted. He believes in fair play and wants others to feel like they stand a chance no matter their circumstances. He wants others to be happy and likes to entertain others, but is still not afraid to stand up and fight whoever makes him feel like he has to.

Yoongi as a Ravenclaw

Despite being often portrayed as a fighter, Yoongi would in my opinion rather use wit over physical power. His whole life has been about learning- learning how to love himself, learning how to approach and get along with other people, learning about how the world works. He doesn't restrain from sharing his experiences and helping people educate themselves on different matters. He's never satisfied with himself and keeps finding ways to make himself even better and that all comes through learning. He knows he's not perfect but is aspiring to be as closest to being perfect as possible.

Well, seems like Namjoon and I disagree on some stuff but doesn't matter.

Well, seems like Namjoon and I disagree on some stuff but doesn't matter

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I have to say I see where he's coming from and I agree with him. I wonder what others would say if they were asked the same question?

What's your Hogwarts House by the way? Can you guess mine?

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