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babyrubs @jpieeee is my fave

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babyrubs @jpieeee is my fave

3002 likes, 902 comments

dibarryyy I thought I was ur fave >:((((
jpieeee right back at ya xx
gbalker miss u cutie
edenwishart ^ yeah come back soonnnnnn
tilliebolts lovelies

direct message to jpieeee from jerrybaenard -

jerrybaenard: hey jos!
jerrybaenard: we've seen each other the past couple of weeks, since everyone's back, but haven't really talked

jpieeee: heyyy
jpieeee: and yeah we should talk a bit before we go back

jerrybaenard: weeeeeeeell I was wondering if we could hang out

jpieeee: ya of course! I think that's a great idea

jerrybaenard: ya know...break the ice? cut through the tension?
jerrybaenard: oh you already said yes hahahah
jerrybaenard: well fantastic!

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