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 Name: Willow Santiago

Nickname: The Brute


Race: Half Human/ Half abyssal

Power: All of Goku's from Super.

background: Originally from Rhode Island. Willow lived a "normal" life until the abyssal's appeared. There was a group of abyssal who came ashore, causing more destruction til they reach Willow's body. Where one of the group went rogue after see innocent people's bodies. The rogue Abyssal who was wounded from betraying the group. She grabbed  Willow's body and fused herself into Him. Willow awoke in a hospital 5 years later. After he heard what happened,  He joined the navy a few days later. He was later stationed on the USS Missouri which was heading to Yokosuka Japan to help defend against the abyssal. Midway through the trip, the fleet was attacked. Willow's left eye strangely turned red, before the first group of abyssal started firing. Another group of abyssal showed up under Willow's control, destroying the first group. 

Personality: Normal: Prideful, stubborn, shy, friendly if you get to know him, Fiercely Loyal.   Left eye(Red): Heartless at times, Rude, and surprisingly intelligent.

Looks: The picture above but with Goku's No character Gi.

Power Level: it's over 9000!! 


anger theme:

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