Chapter One

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~Luna's POV~

I ran over to the nearby hospital, trying to open the door, but it was unfortunately locked. Feeling the presence getting closer, I started hitting the door, trying to barge it open. The door finally flew open and I landed on the floor. I looked behind myself, noticing the beasts staggering over, groaning. Swiftly, I stumbled over to the door and closed it. I started looking around while holding the door shut for something to barricade the door with. There was a ripped up couch in the middle of the reception to the abandoned hospital, so I quickly ran over to it and tried to push it over to the door as fast as I could. I heard a loud noise come from the door, most likely the zombies. I pushed the couch up to the door and backed away, catching my breath.

"Just as I thought I was safe..." I sighed, calming my self down. I took off my glasses and used a bit of my shirt to clean them. Ugh... This is all so much hard work... I haven't seen a single person in months, well, except the zombies, but I don't consider them human. I took my backpack off and started rummaging through it. "Deodorant... Water... Bandaids Aha!" I pulled out some yogurt, peeling the wrapper off. This didn't come with a spoon, and I don't have a spoon with me... I guess I can use my fingers. Taking off my gloves, I started dipping my fingers into the yogurt, licking the substance off. God, I haven't eaten in what seems like decades.

After I finished eating, I decided to explore. I'm probably gonna be here a while so I might as well get to know my surroundings. As I travelled through the halls, I couldn't help but notice that something was off. Like a strange presence. I ignored any bad feelings about this place and decided to check inside one of the hospital rooms. The door creaked open and I was immediately overwhelmed with a strange scent. I scanned over the room. There was a bed, an iv bag, a chair, a smashed up computer and a few cabinets. I checked some of the cabinets, just in case there was something useful. To my luck, there were a few bandages in there. I shoved them in my backpack and exited the room, continuing to wander down the halls. The next room along had an odd feeling to it. It seemed as though the door was tearing itself apart, and I could hear screams in there... Wait... Nevermind Just my imagination... I hope...

What I saw when I opened the door terrified me.

There were guts on the floor, sprawled out. Small intestines were lying on the desk, hanging over the edge and making a pile on the ground, kind of like a rope. There was a squashed kidney over by my feet at the door. There was a spleen on the floor by the left wall. It looked like it had been thrown at the wall and slid down it, but the thing that disturbed me the most was the decapitated head. It's flesh was rotting away, the skin had started to turn mouldy, shrivelling up. I could see it's teeth showing from where the mouth had started to rot so much, all the way up to the ears. The nose had completely rotted away, in replacement with two holes in the skull. I cringed and stepped back, gagging at the sight. I heard something coming towards me and before I knew what was happening, I felt a sharp pain in my skull and I blacked out.

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