Chapter Two

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~Luna's POV~

"-ey I- .. -ake u- . -ease ."

I could hear something, it was muffled, but there's definitely something there.

"-ake- "

I started feeling myself coming back to life, my head throbbing with pain.

"Wake up!"

I slowly started gathering my vision back, and was greeted with two big, wide, blue eyes staring at me. I yelped and accidentally whacked my head against the person in front of me.

"Ow!" They moved back. I rubbed my head, feeling immense pain. I opened my eyes and looked around. Still in the hospital... But I can see two people. One of them, the one that I accidentally headbutt was a guy with short brown hair and blue eyes. He had a scar just underneath his left eye, which would've made him look badass if it wasn't for his innocent aura. Beside him was a rather intimidating man... He had blood red eyes and blonde hair that was swifted to the side; he also had a septum piercing.

"Oh thank god!" The one with blue eyes exclaimed, relieved, "Are you hurt?"

"No..." I muttered, even though I feel like I just took a baseball bat to the head.

"Okay, good." The blue eyed man sighed, "I'm sorry. My friend here thought you were a zombie so he ran over and knocked you out with his baseball bat."

Well I guess I did take a baseball bat to the head.

The guy with red eyes huffed, obviously not amused, "Oi, it's not my fault I thought we're the only two in here." He argued, shifting his gaze over to me, "When did you get here anyway?"

"Depends how long I was knocked out for."

"About half an hour."

"Well I got here about an hour ago then." I stood up and dusted myself off, "Who are you guys anyway?"

It was now the blue eyed man's turn to say something, "Oh, sorry for not saying sooner! I'm Logan, and this is my friend Fray!"

The man with red eyes, or shall I say Fray, crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, "Charmed. Now can we stop with the sappy shit? I'm starving."

Well he seems lovely.

"Okay, Mr. Rude." Logan sighed, "Sorry about him."

"No. It's fine." I smiled, "By the way, my name's Luna."

"It's nice to meet you Luna!" Logan looked up at me, I just realised how short he really is. I nodded, as to say 'nice to meet you, too'. We started walking down the halls, Fray about a metre in front of Logan and I.

Eventually, we stopped in front of a small hospital room. It hardly even looks like a hospital room, it's been adapted so much.

"Here we are!" Logan stepped inside the room, a smile on his face. I had a look around the room, it looked rather cosy. "How come's this room is so clean?" I ask.

"We did a bit of refurbishment in here. It felt like a prison cell in here before, so we decided to make it more homely." Logan looked around the room.

"Oi." We heard Fray's voice.

"Yeah?" Logan replied.

"Where'd ya leave the food?"

Logan looked confused and stood up, "It should be right there... In the cabinet." He walked over and tried reaching for the cabinet, but he was too short. "Ugh..." He groaned, "Fray. Pick me up." Fray sighed and picked him up as if he was a feather. Logan went through the cabinet, pushing aside random things. He eventually stopped, "I think we've run out..."

"We just got that food two days ago!" Fray complained.

"Well, I'm sorry 'someone' was being greedy!" Logan aggressively answered back. I stood there, awkwardly listening to their little argument. Eventually, I had enough of their bickering.

"GUYS!" I yelled. They're faces turned towards me, "Honestly.. I've only known the both of you for a few minutes and I can already tell you're just like a married couple..." I rubbed the bridge of my nose, pushing my glasses up a bit. Logan blushed a bit and started making some weird movements with his hands while shouting things like, "We're not married!".

"Whoa, dude, calm down." I said, "I never said you were, I said you act like one."

Logan stopped with the weird hand gestures and put his arms by his side, "Oh..." Fray quietly looked at Logan, the usual scowl on his face.

"Anyway," I started, "I have some yogurt in my bag that we can eat." I took my backpack off and took out some yogurt. Logan smiled, "Yes! Thanks Luna, you really are a life saver. I don't want this grumpy cat moaning about being hungry." He motioned towards Fray, who growled in response.

I passed them both the yogurt, "Sorry, I don't have any spoons..."

"It's fine." Logan smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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