Gray, I'm sorry

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A/N: Hey guys. This is my first story. So I'll really appreciate if you guys commented on my story and how you like it or not. Now let's begin the story.

Zeref P.O.V

War is a battle to the death. If it was 400 years ago I would freak out hearing that but now I just want someone to kill me. I was enjoying my little brother, Natsu Dragneel a.k.a E.N.D, defeating Gray Fullbuster.

"Stop it, both of you!" said a blonde mage.

"Lucy, get out of the way."

"Natsu is clearly in a bad state, Gray. If you use your devil magic on him, not only E.N.D will die but Natsu will as well. The only one that can defeat him is Natsu inside of him."

Wow. I'm surprised she figured that out but that didn't matter. That demon will be the portal to my death and he will succeed his mission no matter what.

Lucy P.O.V

I wanted to stop Gray before he kills my best friend.

"I'm sorry Lucy but I kept a promise to my dad before he died and that is to kill E.N.D. Please, Lucy, I don't want this either but I'm doing this to my dad."

"Will you stop being an idiot and think smartly. There are two souls in that body. If you destroy that body, you'll kill Natsu as well. Natsu is the one who has to end the demon to be able to come back. Please, Gray, trust me."

"OK. but promise me something. You'll come back safe and if that flamebrain doesn't knock that demon out, I'm going to slay it ok?"

"Yeah, I'll come back safe and don't worry, I believe in Natsu."

I was relieved that Gray accepted my offer but I forgot one thing: E.N.D was still there, listening to my every word.

"Don't worry dollface, you'll die soon as well as Natsu."

With that, he attacked me with his strongest attack. It was so strong that even my water bubble of Aquarius star dress didn't work. It made me fly and I leaned on the one and only Zeref.

Zeref P.O.V

I heard blondie successfully convince her guildmate to drop that death wish. I thought about my final wish in this world and suddenly, an image of me and Natsu popped into my mind. Oh no. MY CURSE. It activated. I felt pain, agony, and sadness. When I lifted my head up, the blonde mage was flying toward me.


But it was too late. I cried and said my apologies. Suddenly, a golden light came from her and my cursed deactivated. 'She's my cure.' I thought to myself. I didn't notice E.N.D. coming towards use. I got out of his sight leaving the blondie with him.

Lucy P.O.V

I quickly jump in the air to dodge his attack. I didn't care about what that golden light was. I just focus on the battle. I change into my Sagittarius star dress.

I attacked him hoping his at least unconscious but it backfired on me

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I attacked him hoping his at least unconscious but it backfired on me.

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...
All the stars, far and wide...
Show me thy appearance...
With such shine.
Oh, Tetrabiblos...
I am the ruler of the stars...
Aspect becomes complete...
Open thy malevolent gate.
Oh, 88 Stars of the heaven...
Urano Metria!"

'Why doesn't it work' I thought to myself

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'Why doesn't it work' I thought to myself. I began to be low on magic power. I tried to call out my spirt just to find out they all failed. I fell on my knee and try to talk to him. I felt so weak, it sucks. I just want to be stronger to save him but I guess this is the end.


"Gray, I'm sorry"

I tried to reach my hand to him but E.N.D attacked me with a Fire Demon roar. Bye Fairy Tail, thank you for the adventures.

Zeref P.O.V

I watch as Lucy dying. Part of me wanted to save her. So I decided to stop E.N.D for now with the book.

Natsu went to his normal state and realize what he did

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Natsu went to his normal state and realize what he did. Everyone of Fairy Tail tried to wake her up. Seriously are they idiots? She's dead. Can't you see? Anyway, I went to them with a serious look. Some were terrified but only Natsu, Erza, Gray and others that I didn't know their name, were too sad to be terrified.

"I'm sorry for her lost Fairy Tail."

Usually, my cure would activate, but it didn't. I guess it was from Lucy's final bit of power.

"This is all your fault, Zeref!" said a sad and mad salamander.

"Please forgive me for what I'm about to do."

I went to the dead blonde mage and teleported us to a place far away from Magnolia. I hope I can revive her. I guess my curse maybe will kill me when I play with life and death again.

~To be continued~

A/N: Wow. I finished my first chapter. I'll upload next weak. Let me know what you think in the comments (I sound like a Youtuber now 😅😒).

~902 words~

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