Layla's past

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~ Flashback ~

Layla P.O.V

I was pregnant with my dear daughter for 6 months by now. I was so happy until the day where I got to the doctor to check on her. My happiness turned to a depressed and sad face. Why? My daughter was at 99% of dying. I was shocked and cried so much. They told me to come back 1 month later and take some medicine to maybe having a chance to save my baby. When I announce the news to Jude, he comforts me. I could know he was still sad.

I did everything, did everything the doctor said, asked the celestial King himself help and finding a cure with spells, but nothing did the trick. One day, a miracle happened: God Ankhseram himself was in front of me.

"Hello mortal."

"God Ankhseram, It's an honor to meet you." I said well bowing to him.

"No need to be formal. I have come here because of an offer I want to give you."

"What do you need from a weak woman like me and my almost dead daughter?"

"I would like to cure your daughter. She'll leave a normal life, don't worry, but I want to take your life away when your daughter turns 5. Your daughter, not only will she be back in life, but she'll be the angel, Luna, protector of Earthland. She'll hold a lot of magic in her when an unexpected event happens. So, Layla Heartfilia, will you accept my offer?"

"I accept."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll do anything for her

"Good. Do you have any question before we start the process?"

"Actually, I have two questions."

"Ask away, Ms.Heartfilia."

"First, why do you need an angel in this world?"

"Because mortals need our help in their lives. We hear their cries and their sadness every day and it kills us not to help them. So, our plan is to make, some of the strongest mortals, turn into angels, protectors with a strong heart and a strong will. I chose your daughter."

"I'm glad that my daughter will help the earth to be a better place. My second question is how are you going to do this?  I don't want my daughter feeling pain through this process."

"I will infuse the blood of a boy name Zeref Dragneel, mine and yours to revive her. He's a boy that I cursed about 400 years ago. He's a Dragneel and his powers are very strong. I know this is sad for you since the child will not have your husbands blood, but if she does, she won't be able to survive the process."

"It's okay. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. She's still his daughter. I'll tell him that situation when I feel like it's the right time."

"So, are you ready?"


(A/N: Sorry that sounded perverted 😅.)

 He did an unknown spell. I felt pain like my body was being on fire, being teared up, and before I know it, everything went dark. I found myself in the hospital with my husband by my side, sleeping. The doctor told me the great news:

"Your baby's alive. Well and healthy"

He told me how shocking it was for him and the employes. I was just so happy that it works. The pain was worth it. 

Time passed to Lucy's fifth anniversary. I was in my room explaining to my husband, Jude, everything with Ankhseram and our daughter's condition, even the fact that she doesn't have his blood. He was angry at first but soon forgave me. I could feel like he didn't accept it. When I died, I went to my lord and he treated me like I belong here. So, I was happy and I could see my daughter through a lacrima at the beginning of her Fairy Tail adventure.

~  End of the flashback ~  

Lucy P.O.V

I stayed there, looking down. I couldn't believe it. I have Zerefs blood. Does that mean I'm his daughter?  And Natsu, he's his brother. So, I'm his niece. This to weird since Natsu has the same âge as me and Zeref doesn't even know this. Let's just say I'm their sister. But with my dads, I now understand clearly why he was so cold to me. I was responsible for my moms' death and I don't have his blood either. I'm sorry, dad.

"Mom, can I stay here to train with my new powers before leaving?"

"I was going to request you that, dear."

~To be continued~

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter doesn't have a lot. I just wanted this part to have more of Layla's past. I know I should have done this chapter next week but I had some free time on my hands. So, from now on, I'll post at least 2 times a week (I think). Let me know what you think in the comments.

~816 words~  

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