Chapter 1 : Melody's Beginning

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My name is Melody from the Uchiha clan . I'm a survivor of the Uchiha clan incident . Here the story of my life begins.

My parents were close to Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Before my mom had me and before Kushina had Naruto, they always go on missions together. They get along really well. Before i was born, my parents along with Minato and Kushina declared Minato and Kushina would be my godparents.

But i coudln't even see them or even call them father and mother after they sacrificed themselves for Naruto from the Demon Nine Tailed Fox that invaded the village years ago.

On the other hand, my parents are close friends with Fugaku Uchiha and Mikoto Uchiha , which makes me close friends with their sons, Sasuke and Itachi. My brother Inferno were very close friends with Itachi they train together, go missions together and have fun together.

I've always looked up to them. While i was with Sasuke, even though i'm a year younger than him, my father had me go to the same level as him at Konoha Academy. Days went smooth and happy.

When i was aged 6, me and Sasuke decided to go training together after we've finished our lessons at the academy . We trained our Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu which was the signature jutsu of our clan. As we were parting ways to return to our homes, I noticed the Uchiha residents was rather silent, Aunty wasn't there outside her shop and there wasn't any Jounins or Anbu Black Ops running on our roofs, it was quiet.

I started to panic and i ran quickly to my house, i called out to my parents, and there was no respond. I kept shouting and shouting , louder and louder, hoping to get a respond. But i didn't. My heart was beating quicker and quicker as i started to take deeper breathes. I went upstairs to find them.

The door that was in front of me, i was shaking with fear, it's like i could smell death air. I took a breathe, cold sweat was running through my face and i turned the door knob. I opened the door and i saw my parents laying on the floor, there was blood everywhere.

I got down to my knees and thinking all of this could be a nightmare. Just this morning i had breakfast with my family and giving hugs to them before i leave for lessons at the academy. And now here they are, right in front of me , dead.

I started crying, screaming and scearming that they would get up and comfort me that eveything was okay. But they didn't . I felt like my heart had stopped beating, like i'm dead but still in reality. I lost what i had, my family. I don't know what i should do, my parents are always there to help me make desicions, but now they can't. Suddenly, i thought of my brother.

I got up on to my feet and searched for him everywhere in the house, but he was no where to be seen. I then kept searching and searching that ran out from the house and started searching for him at the Uchiha residents. I couldn't find him.While i was searching for him, i met up with Sasuke, who was also panicked with tears and ran out from his house.

We then heard a loud explosion coming from a few metres from where we were, we then quickly ran, following the sound of the explosion. And there we found, we found our brothers. We've finally found them. But it turned out that it was a close-friend battle between Inferno Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha.

"Big brother!" i called out to him. "Melody! What are you doing here!? I'm glad to see that you're alive, now get out of here!" he said in panic. Itachi then faced my direction, and my brother then thought he was going to get me. He then hurried to me to protect me.

"Why did you do this Itachi?! It doesn't have to be this way! You took my family away from me, and i'm not letting you get your hands on my sister!" said my brother trying to catch his breath. "Big brother, you're running out of chakra." "It's fine little sister, this guy took our family's lives and he's worth to kill"

Sasuke then enters "Big brother, father and mother are dead... Did you do this.. W-why big brother.." "Foolish little brother, you're always wanted to surpass me. That's why I'm going to let you live...If you wish to kill me, then hate me, despise me... and by all means flee, cling to your wrteched life. And as for you Inferno, i will let you and your little sister go. But in the future, i will not hestitate to kill you both. You have always been a strong shinobi, what for clinging in this puny village, why don't you seek further, further from the reach of a Shinobi."

Itachi also revealed to us where the secret meeting place of the Uchiha was hidden, and suggested that we could go there to learn what the true history and purpose of the Sharingan was.

My brother then kept silent, staring at Itachi, after hearing his words. He then stood straight and turned his back on Itachi. He gave me one last glance with a worried face and he disappeares, leaving me and Sasuke in Itachi's hands.

Itachi then used his Mangekyo Sharingan on Sasuke and Melody and disappereas . Medical ninjas then found them as the only survivors of the Uchiha clan at the Uchiha residents. And the two survivors were sent to Konoha Hospital.

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