Under the Willow Tree

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Sophie lived a days ride north from the city. Her village lies on the outskirts of Fang's Forest, at the base of a mountain. In the village, the people live their lives making medicine, using the rare herbs found only in Fang's Forest and sell it for livestock in the city. Because harvest does not last all year, the time period in which they can buy livestock is also shortened, and it's importance enforced.

It was late summer when Sophie went to the market to buy some ingredients for her mother. She had just reached the main street when she noticed that there was a handful of people gathered in a tight circle, shouting and making angry gestures. Sophie was curious, and walked closer.

"Can you believe it? Mr. Toren's sheep were all killed last night! They were ripped apart and had their insides eaten, they did! Isn't that awful?"

In every village, there is a need for village gossip. Don't they have beter things to do?, she thought, distastefully. It was unfortunate about the sheep, but honestly, there is still enough for the rest of the year, right?

"Yes it was so horrible! And I heard that the culprit was a wolf - a giant one at that! Mr. Toren's son, Todd, had said that there were paw prints the size of a small boulder left behind!" At that, Sophie stopped. She wondered why her basket was shaking until she realized that her hands were trembling. Oh.

They seemed to have noticed her then, because now they looked at her with a mixture of disgust and amusement. One girl, Penny Liggins, said:

"Oh, I'm sorry, you were there, Sophie? If I had known, I wouldn't have said that...Did it hurt you're feelings? You're friends with that wolf, aren't you?" They laughed.

"If you really do know this wolf, then prove his innocence! If he really is the mountain's 'guardian wolf' like in all of your silly stories, then why is he wrecking havoc in the village, Sophie?"

There was more laughter and insults thrown her way. Sophie bowed her head, completed her errand and ran back home.


"I've told you so many times before that the Wolf guided me back home at night when I was lost in the woods. He was so kind and gentle and beautiful, just like what the legends say! You do believe me, don't you, Leslie?"

"Sure thing, Sis." Leslie was busy fixing a loose chair.

"I believe you, Sophie." Ryan poked her head out from behind the door.

"'Wolves are big, bad monsters that eat whatever is in front of them', that's what Gramma says. But he didn't eat you. I wonder why?" But her eyes sparkle and her face breaks into a smile.

"I know! It's because he loves you!"

Leslie burst out laughing. Sophie shook her head.

"You have quite the imagination, Ryan. But he's a wolf. I'm not."

"Well I've heard that the guardians can take human form if they want to. Maybe everyone already knows the guardian, but they just aren't aware of it."


For the next four nights, sheep and cattle were killed throughout the village. There were always paw prints left behind, which only strengthened the villagers' conviction.

Sophie was in a foul mood. The more she tried to talk about the wolf, the more the people isolated her. They refused to listen to her. At home, she would argue with her parents and her older brother, but to no avail. They kept asking her to stop telling the people her story about meeting the wolf.

"Stop believing in these fairytales! That's all they are! Fake!"

"I thought you would believe me! Or at least understand!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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