[1] • The Cullen That Was Born

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[09/11/06 – Bella C.]

Isabella Marie Cullen (or Bella as she preferred) let out another pain filled shriek as her husband - Edward - lay her upon the table. She wasn't entirely sure what had happened. All she knew was that she had been discussing names for the twins one minute (Renesmee Carlie and Emmalie Jalisper) and the next, her lower back had emitted a sharp, sudden pain.

Bella tried her best to focus on Edward, Alice, Rosalie, and Jacob's voices but found it difficult. All she'd managed to piece together was that one of the twins had kicked her spine and the placentas detached so they had to give her a C–section.

"Get them out now!" Bella demanded when she heard Rose mention her children dying. Morphine be damned, if Edward let her babies die then Bella would never forgive him.

Bella then felt the searing pain of Rosalie cutting the scalpel into her bloated belly. She almost didn't notice when Rosalie stopped, entranced by the scent of the blood. Jacob and Alice had to wrestle her out of the room so Edward could take over the C-Section.

Bella let out a breath when she heard the crying of one baby. "It's Emmalie," Edward had said. A second cry reached her ears and Bella let out a relieved sigh. "Renesmee."

"Something's wrong," Bella breathed, feeling movement inside of her, "there's a third."

Edward's eyes widened and he passed the infants to Bella so he could save the youngest of his children. With a frown, he noted that he was the closest to the part of Bella's spine that was broken.

Still, the bronze haired man grabbed the bloodied baby and cradled him in his arms. "Edward Jacob," he informed his wife absentmindedly whilst trying to calm the crying newborn.

"BELLA!" Renesmee had bitten Bella. The brunette felt her vision fade and Renesmee and Emmalie were removed from her grip. The last thing Bella heard was Alice and Rosalie taking the triplets out of the room.

[Rosalie C.]

Rosalie stood in the basement of the Cullen house, Renesmee Carlie and Emmalie Jalisper each in one of her arms. Alice had taken Edward Jacob to give him a bath after she had cleaned up the girls.

As she held them, Rosalie couldn't help but notice the differences between her nieces. While Renesmee was fair skin and had chocolate brown eyes with tuffs of bronze hair, Emmalie was pale and had brown hair and green eyes.

Not for the first time, Rosalie was jealous of her sister-in-law. Bella was human. She could have grown up and went to college, got a job, had fun in the sun and really lived while Rosalie was stuck in hiding on sunny days and would forever be eighteen. And now Bella had children. Three adorable, cuddly babies.

The one thing Rosalie desperately desired but would never be capable of conceiving. So Rosalie decided she would treasure her nieces and nephew. She would help the rest of her family protect the newest additions and would help Bella as much as she could with coddling the infants throughout their entire lives. Yes, Rosalie was determined to be the best aunt in history and nothing would change her mind.

"Rosalie," Rosalie turned to see Jacob Black, a shifter who was friends with Bella. "Can I hold her?"

Rosalie hesitated as he reached for Renesmee. He originally wanted to kill the triplets for causing Bella to need to be turned in to a vampire. But...something felt different. Rosalie felt as though she could trust Jacob with Renesmee.

Cautiously, Rosalie passed the baby over, along with a bottle.

"Milk laced with blood," Rosalie explained at the questioning glance. Jacob made a face but kept his mouth shut, knowing Renesmee needed it.

Rosalie smiled and began feeding Emmalie.

"Edward!" Rosalie cried out suddenly.

In a gust of wind, Edward had appeared next to his adopted sister. His eyes widened when he saw Emmalie covered in the bloody milk.

"She spit it out when I started feeding her!" Rosalie told him. Edward calmed immediately.

"Have you tried regular milk?" He asked, "she was in Bella's womb for the least amount of time, I wouldn't be surprised if she's more human than the other two."

Rosalie shook her head and went to swap the bottle. Edward, meanwhile, tried to calm his hungry oldest child. Once Rosalie returned, Edward took over feeding Emmalie.

No one knew what was soon to come.

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