Thank you

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Poem 100:
Thank you for being there for me.
Thank you for giving me hope.
Thank you for being the light in my dark world.
Thank you dear readers for motivating me to live.

Dear readers and friends,
This is poem 100! I would like to thank you sooooo much for reading my poetry and liking it. Thanks to you guys this book has reached its highest ranking: #2 in the category words!❤️ When I started writing it I was completely broken, and didn't know who I was. I didn't think I could do anything good, or that I had any talent. You guys showed me different. I may not be the best writer, but seeing that people could relate sometimes, gave me strength. Thank you!

I had originally planned for this book to end here, at 100 poems, but I've decided to keep writing. I may not post so often anymore, and for that I am sorry, but I won't end this book.
Thanks again and until next time,
Your sad poet 😌

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