Chapter 1 - How it All Began

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After  changing identities Ignatius.- -or should I say Solas is attending  the United World's Prestigious High School  or U.W.P.H.S.  A school created to ease the tension created by themwar that almost destroyed the world because of  four of the  strongest countries America, Russia, China and  England  The battle erupted due to a new  metal alloy breakthrough 'Thiarium'. It revolutionize everything, weapons buildings, roads, vechiles devices just everything that can be built. These four wanted it for them selves. It turned lost of land into ashes and many lives were lost even those uninvolved. But after what some call a 'miracle' the fighting just stopped. And the four countries decided to share the prescious metal. And in honor of this agreement the school was built were the richest of the rich sent their kids from each of the four countries, to work together and help to keep the peace. It is located on a private island which is neutral ground for either country.  Now that that's over let's go to the present day life of Solas Noxis

"Hey Solas!!!", yelled Tes from across the courtyard waving with her hair blowing in the wind behind her. "...Hey Tes," replied Solas walking towards her. "Could you not yell my name after you so excessively waved me over here." "Then how could I be sure you were coming to me, especially in such a large courtyard."she replied putting her arms on her hips. "How long have you known me Tes." I said folding my arms. "Oh I don't know, maybe three years now." "Then you should know I don't anyone else but you and the others and they aren't here." 

"Yo Tes, Solas," I turn seeing that it was Ian who called walking with Mia over to the two of us. "Where you two been all day," replied Tes. "Oh you know here and there doing all sorts of odd things." Tes and Solas smirk knowning exactly what Mia meant.

"So.." Ian said clearly flushing at what Mia said. "Where were you guys Saturday, you completely blew off game night ." "Well I'm sure you found some other game to play between the both of you"I retorted. Mia looked at lan and started laughing. "We were out with my family, they wanted to thank Solas for helping fix their car." Said Tes half shouting over Mia who was finally calming dowm. "It was nothing really" I replied. "Oh what a gentleman" humble and helpful, sometimes I wished my boyfriend was like that." said Mia dreamily. 

Ian stared at her like her as if she just slapped him silly. Tes and I broke out laughing both clutching our stomachs. Mia turned to look at Ian's face and started laughing too. Ian then looked confused and angry. After Mia explained she was joking the bell rung and we went our separate ways to class.

-time skip to end of the day-

"Yo Solas." Before I turn someone jumps onto my back. I look and see Tes. "So you walking today?" She asks looking at away from me. I wonder why she asks, she knows I always walk home. "Yeah I am," I say, "want me to walk you home." "Yeah that would be nice but I want to go your house just for this evening, " she says while laying her head against my back. "Ok" I say walking onto the street that leads to my house. I can smell the floral shampoo she uses on her hair. It reminds me of the garden I have.

"Tes you awake?" She stirs but not reply. "You know this is the first time you asked to go to my house, why the sudden interest?"I ask curious of why she actually wants to go. After a few seconds she repiles with  "Well you've been to my house lots of times, I just wanted to know where my best friend lived, that's all." I let the conversation drop there and she remains quiet for the rest of the walk.

After arriving at my home, I walk in and place Tes on the couch and stretch my back. She needs to lay off those cakes. "Hey... Tes ..I ...didn't.. carry... you... see... my... house ..nap." I say poking her at every word. She sits up and looks around confused. "Where are we?" She finally asks. "Welcome to my home, what do you think?" I ask with a sweeping hand gesture.

"It's so plain and small,"she replies. "Well I'm not as rich as the rest of you guys," I retort looking away from her crossing my arms. "Oh come on, you just need to decorate a bit, maybe some other color than white and no! Not black. Maybe some paintings too." "Well then maybe when I show you the rest of the house you'll change your mind," I smirk at her. "Well we'll just have to see won't we." "Indeed."

After showing Tes around my house I can tell she's impressed with the decorations in the other rooms. I made it my mission to not show her my room. She tends to be a bit nosy especially in a private room like that. 

As I was about to finish explaining, how I got a vase that was once in queen's Elizabeth castle by winning a chess tournament, I realized she was climbing the stairs which led to my room.

"Tes do no-t.." but before I could finish she took off running and I heard her open my room and gasp.

                            To Be Continued 

So tell me what you guys think of the start of the story.

 I know one of the tags is action but that may not arrive till 2-3 more chapters for now it's just a build up.

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