• Unanswered Phone Call •

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You can judge everything but my grammar. As always, video is not mine and I would appreciate it, if you would open this in youtube and check it out.

Ben's words .

Link's words.

Video:The Worst In Me - Unlike Pluto

Edit by: Trap Nation

Thank You.//

Link woke up with a start, strangely this time he slept without any sexual dreams haunting him. He sat up slowly as his bed creaked under his weight, blonde hair poked out in each and every possible direction as he sleepily rubbed his eyes wiping saliva off from the corner of his mouth. He couldn't remember his dream, but the fact that he wasn't hot and bothered right in the morning already made a little smile to appear on his face.

He squirmed his blue as the sky itself eyes at sun which peeked in trough his curtain to kiss his skin. Blonde softly groaned as his eyes focused on little feathers or dust floating in the air, he could see it only thanks to the intense sun-rays.

Pulling his white shirt down, he yawned one more time and threw his hands behind his head stretching out. His earrings collided with his skin creating soft clicking sounds, pointy ears straight away reacted to the soft pleasant sound.

Link finally stood up and not bothering to change his clothes grabbed the handle of his bedrooms door twisting it and slipped out. He closed door behind him pressing his back to it with breath stuck in his throat. He came face to face with Ben's bedroom, blonde almost silver haired demon asked Link to let him stay here for a little bit. Of course he promised not to harm anyone in any way.

Honestly, it's not what really bothered Link. He swallowed down thickly as his cheeks slowly gained a brighter colour. He felt embarrassed for what happened in between them a few days ago, it changed a lot, at least for him. Link sighed and looked down catching his bottom lip in between his teeth, he lightly bit down not really aiming to damaged delicate skin.

It's been a while since they talked, mostly because Link may or may not tried to avoid Ben. Everything is very complicated to him, one thing lead to another and here he is, lacking confidence to just knock on his friend's door. He furrowed his eyebrows in anger at himself and finally gathered up whatever is left of his courage at the moment and forced himself to step forward and gently knock on other's door.

He waited. Nothing happened, it all was dead silent accept from the birds chirping outside. That's where his head snapped in windows direction, right, it's too early. A disappointed huff came out of blond, all of this for nothing? After he finally made up his mind and actually wanted to discuss it with Ben? Not happening. He gripped the doorknob taking in a deep breath to make sure that all the nervousness got replaced with confidence he pushed Ben's door open.

As expected, it was messy inside. Many items he gathered from various dungeons and defeated beasts, new swords and of course some of his bloodied or even stained in unknown liquid clothes laid around scattered all over the floor in a chaotic manner.

Link stepped inside avoiding all the scattered items and slowly made his way in Ben's direction. He spotted blonde sleeping, his blanked slid down with one of its ends hanging off the bed and laying on floor, it covered only his waist and legs. Demon breathed steadily laying on his stomach, hands under black pillow and messy hair covering his eyes. It actually surprised Link to see Ben so alive, he is a dead demon after all. To stay here, he had to make himself to look alive again, so right after that he stared to take naps a lot. He just loved sleeping as it seems. Said demon shifted in his sleep muttering something under his nose. Unlike Link, he wore a plain black T-shirt with Triforce symbols on it, he gave one to Link saying that he dislikes white colour. Link accepted it, but of course never wore it outside since in his world, they don't have things like in Ben's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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