Chapter 1

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Growing up you hear your parents talk about their glory days; aka College. They talk about what they learned, the professors that helped shape their lives. What they don't tell you about are the parties they attended, all the drinks they consumed and stupid games they played.

Which is what brings us to the present; it's my freshman year of College at Polis University. Both my parents went here, so it was only fitting that I continue their legacy.
My father majored in bio-engineering and my mother's major was pre-med. Me, I'm majoring in the arts. At first, my mom was disappointed in me for not following in her footsteps, but after my dad convinced her that I'm my own person and that I have my own path she backed off.

I'm not alone at college; my high school best friends are also here.

Raven Reyes: she's a year older than me but was held back her sophomore year after sneaking into the engineering lab causing a 'minor' issue that had the whole lab shut down for 3 months due to unexpected renovations. We laugh about it now calling it 'the day Reyes made the school go boom'. They decided to suspend her for 2 weeks instead of expulsion. In a way, was a blessing because that following year we met and became instant best friends.

That's also when I met Octavia Blake. She was what we assumed to be a shy girl who shared a few of our classes but pretty much kept to herself. When she wasn't by herself she was shadowing her older brother Bellamy, a senior. One day after history class I approached the shy girl asking if she wanted to join Raven and me at our table for lunch. After a slight hesitation, Raven blurted out "I promise we won't bite...hard". We were both surprise when she replied without missing a beat. "You won't if you want to keep those pretty teeth" Raven looked shocked before replying; "Bad ass. I like this one Griff, she's a keeper", which caused all three of us to burst out laughing. Of course she accepted and well, as the saying goes, the rest is history.

So like I said here we are in our freshman year of College. About halfway through the first semester, Octavia caught the eye of a rather large Junior. His name is Lincoln. I say large because he easily towers over all of us and has muscles on top of muscles. He looks intimidating with his bald head and muscular form but don't let appearances fool you, he's really a big sweet teddy bear.

Which brings us to today. It's Saturday night and Raven, Octavia, Lincoln, and myself are at his Fraternity house. I never saw the appeal of Fraternity or Sorority houses, but they do throw the best parties. It's a beautiful clear night, that moment between summer and fall when the weather is not too hot but not too cool either, just right that I can wear this casual black dress I've been dying to tryout. Raven is wearing her usual t-shirt and jeans which is very typical of the future engineer. Octavia has on a shirt that Lincoln gave her that has his fraternity's symbols on it and black spandex pants.

We are all sitting on the front lawn. Drinks are flowing while everyone is either chatting or listening to music playing from the house. We've been here for a few hours and I'm already feeling a little tipsy but that's okay, that's why I'm here, to get drunk and have fun.

Behind us, I hear someone say "Hey guys how about we make this interesting and play a game?"

All eyes shoot up to a tall lanky boy, I think his name is Jasper. He has his arm around the shoulders of a cute little brunette, who's name I think maybe Maya, as they walk towards us smiling and waiting for an answer.

I hear some respond with excited "yeah sures" and few groans but what grabs my attention is this angelic voice just feet away saying "you and your fucking games Jas". My eyes follow the voice and notice it's Lexa. Green lock with blue and she gives me a soft smile. Smiling back, I let my mind take me back to the time I first met the gorgeous brunette. It wasn't long after Octavia and Lincoln had started dating that Raven and I were invited to the frat house. It was during that visit I was surprised to find that they had two female members, let alone that they were also Lincoln's cousins: Anya, who is also a junior and Lexa, who is a sophomore. I never realized this was a thing till Lincoln mentioned that his cousins had their reasons for living with a bunch of guys.

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