Chapter 2

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Mornings and I never got along. My mom would have to wake me up 2 or 3 times for school because I'd always fall back to sleep when she left my room. One time she even poured water on my head! After that, just the threat would get me out of bed on the first attempt.

So now I'm laying here with the sun filtering through the window, shining on my face. I'm in no rush to open my eyes to greet it. Besides, if I open my eyes I might find myself back in my dorm, in my bed, alone.

I feel movement behind me as Lexa rolls over, draping her arm over me and pulling me close to her. The first thing my naked body comes into contact with is her morning wood. Smiling, I wiggle back into her, feeling her erection slide up and rest near my lower back.

Memories of last night come rushing back to me. I wasn't so drunk that I don't remember hooking up with Lexa. The sights and sounds and even the smells of last night cause me to smile like a Cheshire cat. It's short-lived when I imagine the cocky smile on Octavia's face for predicting this outcome.

"Mmm, morning beautiful" Lexa mumbles into my wild post sex/sleep hair, breaking me out of my thoughts.

'Even her throaty morning voice sounds angelic' I muse.

"How are you feeling? I hope I didn't hurt you in any way?" she asks, sounding concerned.

I bring my left hand up to interlock our fingers and pull our hands against my breast. Bringing them up I kiss her hand then release it. I turn and look into her green eyes.

"Good morning. No, you didn't hurt me at all. Last night was better than I ever could have imagined" I reassure her as I lean up to peck her lips. Pulling back, I voice my earlier thoughts. "Honestly I was worried that last night was a dream and I was going to wake up alone in my bed".

Lexa scoots even closer, bringing our bodies fully flushed against each other.

"Does it feel like you are alone?" she says, rocking her thick hard shaft against my thigh.

I moan and feel myself getting wet just thinking about how hard and fast she fucked me only hours ago.

Rolling us over I straddle Lexa. Reaching between our bodies I grab her cock laying it flat against her abs and lowering myself on top. I am now so wet that it makes sliding against her shaft effortless.

"God Lexa, how is it I want you again after having you fuck me most of the night?" I say as I continue to slide my pussy along her cock, loving the feeling of the head brushing my clit with each pass.

I feel her hands slide up my thighs, coming to rest on my hips. Looking down, I see her eyes are closed and her mouth is open, breathing heavily.

'Oh, the things that mouth can do' I think to myself.

Leaning down, I kiss her plump full lips sliding my tongue in without even waiting for permission. Sitting up I feel her cock push outside the entrance of my pussy. All I need to do is slide down and I'll be deliciously filled.


"Quit fucking and get up you two! We're going out for breakfast with the girls and Lincoln in 30. Also, take a shower. I don't need you two walking around smelling like sex" Anya yells and cackles as she walks to her room, slamming her door closed.

We both groan but this time not in pleasure. We rest our foreheads together trying to calm our labored breathing because we're both so worked up.

"We might as well get up, she won't leave us alone if we don't" Lexa says, breaking the silence.

A whine slips past my lips before I have a chance to stop it, which makes Lexa chuckle.

"At least you don't have a boner to get rid of" she says. I look at said boner then back at Lexa. "Oh don't get it twisted, my lady boner is activated, trust me," I say, looking back down at Lexa's now leaking cock.

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