How do u love someone?

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(hay guys quick announcement I will try to upload this every 2-3days. Enjoy)
U walk into school and see ur freinds u issues to walk over there and Jupiter yells"ya sleep over at moons!" U stand there confused and moon says"hey(y/n) ur invited to my sleep over fits at this address****** ok 2:00, tonight"
~time skip at moons house~
U nock on the dore and ur Greece by Jupiter evryone else was already here and u walked in and sat down all the sudden u here loud laughter coming from up stairs"god damn it!"moon yells and walks up he stairs
Moons pov
As I walk up the stair to my brothers room and open the dore "Shut the fuck up dark! I have company and u do too and ur being rood here"throws candy at them and slams the dore u walk back down stairs and sit"sorry" u say.
(Y/n) pov
Moon sits down and u guys talk and u get up and say"weres ur kitchen at?" Moon looks confusion at why u were asking that"umm that way""thanks don't come in for a little while I'm making something"u leave
~half an hour later~
make some cake and cookies and homemade ice cream."guys go get the others I'm talking about the boys then come to the kitchen.
~after evryone but dark was her~
U look around and see dark come in and u say"ok enjoy I move reviling the food. They all stair in trades"eat" u say they all dig in and u stand there in and spring covered in flower and had frosting on ur face. Dark walks over and removes some and stocks the finger in his mouth "yum"he says looking at u. U look at him and realize what he just did and started blushing madly and moon looked at u and smirked."new ship""what?! N-no moon nu uh no!"u look away ur face still red. He looks at his sister"u herd the laddie I tried sorry sis"he said and walked away. U listen and the walk into the living room and lay on the flore then u notes a light on the ground and it move u get on all fores and chase in untill it lead u back to dark"hello princess"he says smirking because he saw up ur skirt. And u realize that and blush."u-uh."u say nervously "t or d time now!" Evryone sits down in the living room "I start"moon says evily."(y/n) t or d*she says with evil plans"um... D"u say nervously"I date u to do 7 minutes in heaven with Dark!" She said evilly! U get up and walk into the closet and dark walks next to u.
(In side the closet)
U sit there nervously."u cant come out untill u do something!" Moon yells. U blush and sit there all the sudden u fell something touch u and u kinda freek out not knowing what it was and laches onto dark. He looks at u and puts u on his lap and u blush. He kisses u for a while and 7 minutes is up. Moon opened the closet and saw them kissing"ma ship!"she yelled happily. Lucky quickly let go of dark and got up walking out of the closet.
~later that night~
U woke up from a hirable noght near and couldn't sleep so u went to darks room and got into his bed and snugles him. And he snugles back. U quickly fell asleep

U woke up to sun shining in threw his window and forgot u were sleeping with him so u rolled over.
U met face to face with him and he woke up and looked at u with confusion then pulled u closer to him and Sayed"what are u doing in here""um last night I had a nightmare and couldn't sleep so I came in here and layed down with u"u respond"ok he says kissing ur fore head and u blush a little"hay princess?" He says"yes dark?" "Why are u so damn hot?" He says holding u tighter ad if he were afraid if he let go he would lose u. And u hug him and get up. U walk downstairs and go threw ur bag and pulled out a shirt and short shorts then go to the bathroom and change u come put and walk down to the kitchen and made breakfast."hay evryone I mad breakfast!" They all rush in and eat it up. Dark comes in behind u and grabs ur waist and pulls u into him. U blush and hand him his plate "thanks kitten"he says taking the plate and eating u looks at him "he's so cute"u think and moon and dark read ur mind darks face turns refer than a tomato. And u realize that they can read minds u blush madly and look away dark get syrup on his shirt and takes it off and u turn around and look at him and blush "hot"u say in ur mind as u look away"thanks"he says "shit" u say as u etuenaly hits it's self. "Stay out of my head. Dick" you say. "Tsc tsc tsc don't say dick unless you can handle one in your ass or mouth." He said and pulled me up close to him

(A/n) there will be a part two! Bya!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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