The Undercover Turnabout, Part 6

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September 1

Courtroom No. 6

10:45 AM

Yuri Rinko

"We do have hackers at Interpol, so it is possible for them to get into other technology. One of the most talented hackers in the whole country is part of our company. His name is Q. He's the leader of the technology branch of Interpol. If anybody was able to crack the code on any firewall, it would be him. He's something of a professional in the field," M told the court. "His assistants are good at what they do as well, but none of them can quite compare to his skill and finesse."

"Weren't a few of Q's agents revealed to be traitors?" Lily asked, placing one finger on her chin. "I thought I heard of that at the very least..."

"Yeah, you heard right," M frowned. "There were roughly a dozen agents under him that were selling out the company. We've caught all of those who we're aware were selling secrets, but there could be others. Q had all the important information behind a very powerful lock made of code only he knows how to crack. Any who try and get inside instantly have their information revealed to him so he can deal with them personally. That is not a fate you want to meet, let me tell you."

"The higher-up information was kept to Q and Q alone," Deirdre murmured. "Any lower-level information could have easily been passed along to his underlings, and if they were selling out the company, anybody could have gotten into the computer system if they bought the right information. In other words, there's a chance somebody from outside the building got into the power to cause the outage."

"That could easily show that M didn't commit the crime," I smirked. "Go on, tell them. The sooner you can expose the truth, the easier our lives will be. I have faith in you."

Deirdre nodded. "Alright. If the correct information was sold out, then anybody from outside the building could have gotten into the power system and caused an outage the day of the crime. M being found in the room doesn't mean much of anything, especially when you consider that anybody who bought the right details could have caused the outage," she declared.

"Since the prosecution seems intent on linking the culprit behind the power outage with Y's killer, if M didn't cause the outage, it can be deduced that he also didn't kill the victim. It's as simple as that," Lily smiled. "What do you think of that?"

"I think I'd like to call my next witness," Chief Prosecutor Bespoke said. "I asked Q to wait in case we decided to have him testify. If we asked for details regarding the power outage, he would surely be happy to explain all that took place the day of the crime. He would know better than anyone how it took place being the expert of technology of Interpol."

"In that case, go on and call your witness, Chief Prosecutor Bespoke," instructed Judge Diaphan. "He is ready to take the stand, yes?"

"He is, as a matter of fact," Chief Prosecutor Bespoke nodded. "Detective Erikson, you are finished here. Feel free to take your seat in the gallery in case we have need of you again. Q, it's your time to shine."

A young man took the stand not long after. He was thin and lanky, looking rather awkward. He had dark curly hair that stayed close to his face. His brown eyes were framed by glasses, which he seemed to enjoy pushing up. He was wearing a blue tie. He had a white shirt with dark trousers and a brown jacket. His shoes were also black and looked rather fancy. He continued to fidget around with his glasses and jacket as we continued to speak. I had to admit, I didn't expect someone so young to be the leader of the technology branch. He looked like he was barely older than I was, if he even was at all. I couldn't tell, and at the same time, I got the feeling I wouldn't ever find out since Interpol was so strict on security.

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