Fake Wand

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Your P.O. V

"If you guys wouldn't have brought him here None of this would have happened what were you Thinking!?" Mal said she was angry
"We were just trying to protect him-" "Yeah and we completely Blew it "we will be here when you get back"

Mal's P.O.V

"I'm back" I said " Loser Party of one right this way please" Uma kicked a chair at me and I caught it and sat down "place still Stinks" I said "Oh I'm sorry we are done a Butler today...Princess" she said "Where is he? "You know I've dreamed of this you wanting something from me" "I'm so flattered that you dream of me" " you have the perfect little life don't you? DOSENT SHE HAVE THE PERFECT LITTLE LIFE ". "Here's the deal" "just like your mother there's always a catch" we had an Arm wrestle I was winning until she said "If I win I get the wand"

Your P.O.V

"There is no way we are gonna give Uma of all people the wand " Evie Says "wait you guys!" You Said And they all turn to you "Carlos don't you have a 3D printer?" "A phone wand but as soon as she uses it she'll know it's fake" Evie Says "ok we need some diversion" "Smoke Bombs?" Jay said "Great I will get them from Lady Tremain(Can't spell her name Lel)


We got at Auradon and went to Carlos's room and the door was open? "Wait why is your door open?" Jay said "Chad get out " I said "Fine" Chad went or so I though "why are you guys making FairyGodmothers wand? "Uhh"I say "Bens been Captured" Dude Said "What Dude can talk?" Chad said Confused "We are trying to stall Dude!" I Said " I though you forgot" Dude Said "Don't Tell anyone and get out!" Jay said

When the wand was printed we went to the Limo and saw Lonnie with. swords "Hi Lonnie" I say "Hey I'm going with you" "What we don't need swords at the.....Waffle Hut?" Jay said seriously couldn't you come up with a better place " your going to the Isle to save Ben look it's either you take me or I'm gonna have to tell FairyGodmother" " Fine"

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