chapter 17

17 1 8

3rd pov)

"maybe we should get you out of here" harry said, 6 nodded "i dont want to see the cops again" 6 said. "wait...again?" harry said. "past curfew" 6 said, "cmon, before the principal sees you sam" harry said, sam nodded and they started walking to the door. the bell rung "shit" harry said, he started booking it to the door, 6 and sam followed him.  harry hit the door and fell "they locked it" harry said, "they lock the door!?" sam said, 6 nodded "yeah..." he said, "well, now what?!" sam asked, "i dont know" harry said, "well great" sam said, she crossed her arms "we are stuck" she said, "we can go to the principal... saying your new and stuff" Harry said. "are you sure about that harry?" 6 said, he nodded

Sam's pov)

"Maybe...its a bad idea" I said, Harry looked at me "maybe your just a pussy" Harry said, I growled, and grinned "okay, if I'm a pussy, I'll go right up to the principal, force him to unlock the door and leave" I said, 6 looked at me then at Harry "she will do it bro" he said, "really?!" Harry said, I nodded. I started walking to the principal's office. "Sam, wait!" 6 yelled. I didn't listen to him. I opened the principal offices door and he looked at me "wait a don't go here" he said, "I don't, I came to see my friends, and the door locked" i said. he just looked at me "so, you came inside here...even though you dont go here?" he asked, 6 ran in and the principal looked at him. "Ah, 6, my greatest student, do you know this girl?" he asked, 6 nodded "yes sir" 6 said, "did you bring her here?" he asked, 6 nodded  "yes sir" he said, "why?" he asked, 6 shrugged "she wanted to know what the school looked liked" 6 said, "but she doesnt go here" he said, "She goes to a school out of town" 6 said

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