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I was asleep for who knows how long then soon I awoke but I was in a strange place it was a wintery forest with a blanket if glowing white snow then I noticed I was wearing a white long sleeve with light blue jeans I walked through the woods then came to a cliff when I did I felt something strange then I jumped off an the wind carried me away! I flew through the air laughing with joy I never had so much fun in my entire life! Then I saw a ice palace I flew down to it when I approached I went in if was beautiful! Then I ran on to the terrace to see the view I saw amazing mountains with snow trees with Crystal hanging off the vines I loved it! I suddenly heard a slight fluttering by my ear I spun around trying to see what it was then I small fairy popped up in front of me she wore a short blue dress with little blue crystal and her white hair was in a braid over her shoulder "hello" I said she smiled and twirled in the air I laughed "you need a name how about...Elsa?" I asked she smiled and did a big summer sault in the air then landed on my shoulder "see you made a friend" went a voice when o turned I saw Flame right in front of me "what do you want!?" I yelled "nothing just telling you what's going on" he told me I froze and I could feel Elsa trembling on my shoulder "what? Aren't I dreaming?" I asked Flame sighed "look, I won't try to hurt anyone, but this is another world you can visit and no time will pass in Craftia, I brought you here after you passed out" he explained I was able to calm myself "so where am I?" I asked "Kesshokouri (keh-show-cory)" Flame told me I felt like he was lying but he's me in a way and I'm not a liar so he shouldn't be a liar. I starred at him then asked "so when I leave how do I return?" Flame just smirked "you'll know" he said then he disappeared Elsa fluttered back up in the air I was silent. I walked around the forest for a while and Elsa stayed by my side the whole time then I noticed a little boy with white hair like me with a frustrated look "come on Icy it's not that hard!" He muttered to himself he put his hands together then slowly took them apart I was able to see a ball of snow form in his hands then I popped "ARGH!!!!!! STUPID ICE MAGIC!" He yelled kicked a tree just to let snow fall on his face "grrrrrrrrrr STUPID!" I walked up to him "what's the matter?" I asked "I can't make it snow!!!!" He yelled I could see he was only learning his powers "I can help you, I'm Steven by the way" I said holding out a hand "I'm Icy" he said shaking my hand. I showed him how to make it snow he gave it a try but it popped in his hand "dang it!" Icy said "it's okay you just have to concentrate" I told him putting my hands on his closing them Elsa was perched on my shoulder the whole time then I slowly parted his hands "ok now send it in the air" I said Icy tossed it in the air an it snowed! "I did it! Thank so much!"He cried jumping up and down I laughed then I saw a white horse with a man in white charging at us I picked up Icy and ran out the way the horse stopped and the rider jumped off "the queen wishes to see you" he said, there was a queen?

I had to walk to the castle and Icy walked by me "so who is the queen?" I asked "Tsurara she's really mean to be honest I don't like her" Icy said I wonder why she wants to see me? When we got to her she seemed to give me a cold stare her hair was silver In a tight bun and she wore a long deep purple dress "who are you?" She asked me "Steven" I said she looked me in the eye "guards take the fairy and young boy out" she said Les fluttered out a good by window while the guards took Icy away "good luck!" He cried Queen Tsurara looked me in the eye "what is your business here?" She said "I-I was in the hospital after a Squid person injected ink in me then after the doctors made me pass out my mirrorselve Flame transported me here-" Queen Tsurara stopped me "your mirrorselve is a fire spirit therefore you both are not welcome in Kesshokouri" she said I wasn't believing her then two guards dragged me away "Hey! Let me go!" I cried then everything stopped and snowflakes swirled around me then I opened my eyes.

YOLO FROLOS!!! Let's play a game! Answer these questions and you get a part in this story!:

1. What is Slamacow's real name?

2. Name his three friends

3. How many seconds did it take for Slamacow to get shoveled out of the ring in spleff when he was going against sheep?

4.What chapter did Slamacow kiss Cupquake?

5. Why did Slamacow fall when Sky tried to help him?


6. Do you think Sky and Slamacow will fall for each other?

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