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So you may be wondering what this book is about, and to be completely honest I am wondering the same. In this we're going to walk together in a journey to find a deeper understanding. The journey of defining key terms that shape the construct we've developed.
Many people ask Rastafarians if the act of practicing Rastafari is a religion. To their surprise Rastaman will proudly say, "No I and I practice one perfect Livity". Well, in the mind of the uneducated we're still at square one. This is because now you're left wondering what a Livity is.
Of course, you now ask for the definition of this "Livity". Rastaman then would say that a Livity is a way of life. But this wouldn't make any sense especially, to those who know that a religion is defined as a, "way of life". To truly understand [Overstand] the meaning of livity you would have to live it. Livity is undefinable because everyone has a different walk through faith. In my own testimony, I will say that livity is the way I go about life. It's a soul connection between just me and God [Jah]. As humans we spend too much time trying to define everything rather than just living. Life is meant to be lived, it is meant as an experience. 

Imagine living in a world without racial division and religious turmoil a world where a black man from Atlanta and a white man from the middle of nowhere can sit down and have a civilized conversation. A reality in which I can walk out side in a durag without being stereotyped. We live in this bubble of racism fueled by jealously and greed. Many of us [I and I] call these political systems and groups of people Babylon. Rasta's consider Babylon as anything that is Oppressing them, this would include the police, all politicians, and in some cases even family members who refuse to except the reality of rastafari. But what is Rastafari exactly? Ras Tafari Makonnen is the focus of this all;  His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie. The livity of Rastafari derives its name from the birth name of H.I.M Haile Selassie. Rastafarians are people who acknowledge the divinity of Haile Selassie. His Imperial Majesty is a direct descendant of the Solomonic Blood line and the likes of the Queen of Sheba; he is the root of David. Due to this rarity and his completion of biblical prophecy he bears the titles of King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of Judah, Elect of God, Earth's Rightful Ruler, Light of this World, Defender of the Faith, and many more. 

Rastafari has three major Mansions or groups within this livity. To start, the Nyabinghi which is the oldest order of Rastafari has deep roots starting before the King was coronated. The Nyabinghi are known around the world for their drumming, this ancient tradition is rooted in the Ugandan Queen Nyabinghi who is said to have been able to drum for hours. Moving on, we come across the Bobo Ashanti [Shanti] whom arguably form the most strict order of Rastafari. The Bobo are complex in their beliefs for not only they believe in the divinity of Haile Selassie I Jah Rastafari but they acknowledge [King Emmanuel] Charles Edwards as the Black Christ due to his teachings and prophecy. The last major Mansion within the House of Rastafari are the Twelve Tribes of Israel most notable for Bob Marley's membership. The Tribe claim they are direct descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The Twelve Tribes are also known to be the most accepting of people outside of the African diaspora. The Nyabinghi and Bobo Shanti tend to be more vocal about only black oppression. To be clear, the root of the Niyabinghi order is not one of black supremacy but throughout the years detractors and those who led the real Rastas down a path of falsehood has corrupted the image of the Niyabinghi. I am here to say now in these words that the Niyabinghi is not an order of black supremacy nor of racism. The motto "death to all black and white oppressors" is incredibly false. The correct motto and oath of the Niyabinghi Warrior given by Haile Selassie Himself based on my studies is, "Death to all enemies of Africa". There is no color or race in that statement, Rastafari is for all man to share.

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