Chapter 4

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A/N: Okay so this sorry has gotten a lot more love then I ever imagined, I didn't even think this book would make it this far, haha! Well here an update that you have been waiting for, I think!


I made sure to stay far away from Bigby as possible. I do not need him seeing me like this. I don't even wanna see him in the first place. Fucking wolf! I don't need him anyways! I can survive on my own! I don't need anybody.

I put on my best fake smile and strutted out onto the floor like I owned the place. Guys already started checking me out. Ew. I could see Bigby talking to Georgie out of the corner of my eye. I shook him out of thoughts and strutted over to the other side of the club to start taking orders.

"Well hello, gorgeous." One of the men at the first table said to me.

"And a hello to you too." I said as I winked. The best way to earn better tips is to fake flirt back. A little trick I learned  from Nerissa when I first started here.  The man wasn't bad looking either so fake flirting with him was a piece of cake. "Are you guys all set to order?" I asked taking out my pen and notepad.

"I am but I don't think what I want is on the menu." He smirked.

"Oh..well..uh what is it?"

"A piece of that fine lookin' ass of yours." I immediately turned a deep shade of crimson red.

"No thanks not interested." I said as I tried to walk away but before I could the man grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me back so that I was now sitting in his lap.

"Come on, gorgeous it'll be worth your while." The man said in my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"No, I'm sorry but I'm not like that."

"I can change that, Little Red." He then dragged his tongue from the base of my neck all the way up to my ear. I closed my eyes and tried to drown my bad thoughts. I wouldn't mind doing the deed with this man but not under these circumstances.

"Get off of me!" I said as I wiggled out of his grasp and practically ran backstage. I totally forgot how this job works. Shows how long I've been out of it. I'm not how I used to be with just killing a guy with one look, literally. I can't let these guys take advantage of me. Fuck that. I prepared myself and strutted right back out there and bumped right into the last person I ever wanted to see. I bumped into him so hard I fell back onto my ass.

"Red?" He said.

"Leave me alone, Bigby. You are the last person I wanna see." I said stomping away from him.

"Nice red panties!" I heard him shout over the music. I froze and that's when I noticed that the skirt part of my dress was lifted. I forcefully pulled it down and I looked behind me and Bigby was laughing his ass off! I flipped him off and continued with the rest of my shift.


I didn't get back to the Woodlands until almost 2 a.m. I forgot how tiring this job was. And I'm not even a dancer! I stumbled into the lobby and I saw Bigby walking into the elevator. I was about to walk straight out the door until he caught me. I mentally cursed at myself and saw him doing the finger motion to go to him. I sighed and walked to where he was standing. I looked up at him with my big blue eyes and saw his hard facial expressions soften. My eyes can bring any man to his knees.

"What could you possibly want from me now, Wolf." I sneered. "Haven't you already fucked up my life enough already for the 3 days I've been back in this run-down town?"

"Why are you working back there?" He simply asked with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

"I need to pay for my shitty apartment somehow." I replied.

"You could've gotten any other job. Hell, you probably could've tagged along with me on my job."

"No thanks sheriff. I'm a good enough waitress. Wouldn't want to get in the way with you and Snow now would we?" I smiled sarcastically.


"Save it Bigby. You just showed me that you can be even more of an asshole than we all thought. Thank you actually. For showing me that the big bad wolf always breaks your heart. That's twice now. How many more times can you break it before I crack?" The elevator then signaled that we were now on my floor. "Goodnight, Wolf." I said then walked into my apartment. I then collapsed onto my bed and cried my broken heart out. "Fuck Bigby Wolf!"


A/N: Yes I know it's short but I really wanted to give you guys an update! Finally getting over this stupid writers block!

Little Red; Bigby WolfWhere stories live. Discover now